When Do College Acceptance Letters Arrive? Everything You Need To Know

College acceptance letters instantly strike fear into seniors nationwide, and for good reason. Applying to colleges is about as fun as having to listen to a lecture on the most boring subject you could think of. You have to figure out a major and then scout colleges based on what they have to offer, money, and location. After you apply then the hard part begins: waiting for college acceptance letters.
The College Rejects You
“I am sorry to inform you we are unable to offer you admission into the University Of Blah Blah Blah.” Reading this really sucks. Whether you’re reading this alone, or reading it with your parents huddled around you like they show it in the movies, it hurts just the same. You did the hard work. You met their standards. You’re beyond qualified and they just said no. The worst thing is, they don’t even give you a specific reason as to why they rejected you.
I remember when I applied to an arts college for my writing and I was rejected. It sucked hard I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I went to the school, I had correspondence with the advisors. I even put together a portfolio of new material.
Being rejected sucked, but during the time i was putting my portfolio together was the hardest and most diligent I ever worked as a writer. I was coming up with new material left and right it was amazing. (I wish I stuck with that work ethic, I would have so much more stories written.) Although I didn’t get accepted into the school, I have an amazing portfolio and I saved myself some money. (It was a really expensive school.)
The College Puts You On A Waitlist
Being waitlisted basically means admissions has finished reviewing your application but for various reasons cannot fully accept you yet. In layman’s terms, it’s the admissions people being on the fence. If you are waitlisted it does not mean you’ve been rejected or accepted. It could be because of class size constraints, or because they see potential in you and are just unsure.
The best thing to do in my opinion is to keep applying to other colleges. Applying to college is like applying for a job: apply to a million to up your chances. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Sorry for the cliche but it’s true. When I applied to my first four-year college I actually didn’t take my own advice. I was 18 and dumb and applied to just one. Luckily, I was accepted. It’s too busy I couldn’t stick around, but that’s a story for another time.
The College Defers Their Decision
Deferral is the opposite of being waitlisted. Being deferred usually means the admissions department has not finished reviewing your application and will give you a decision at a later date. One reason college acceptance letters come back as deferred is because admissions might need more information from you like test scores to see if you’re a good fit.
The College Accepts You
All the hard work in high school, your good grades, your stellar GPA, and your outstanding application has lead you to this moment. Reading the words, “Congratulations! The committee has reviewed your application and is pleased to off you admission into…”
I remember when I got accepted into the only college I applied to. It was such a fulfilling feeling. I felt like all my hard work had paid off.