What Your Favorite TV Show Says About You

We all have a go-to show that we never get sick of no matter how many times we’ve watched. It’s a show that you can binge-watch for hours on end, and you’ve probably watched all the seasons a few times over.
You tell literally everyone how much you love this show and you probably force them to watch it so that you can talk about it with them even more. But it’s okay because this is your comfort show, but just like anything in life, the things you love are very telling of who you are as a person.
Keep reading to see what your favorite TV show says about you!
1. Riverdale
If your favorite TV show is Riverdale, it’s more than likely you got invested after the first season and it’s just too late to stop. It’s also safe to assume that you love musicals, and the main reason you love the show is that Cole Sprouse and KJ Apa, duh!
2. Stranger Things
If you love Stranger Things, you’re the type of person who loves a show that brings a good sense of nostalgia. Stranger Things takes place in the ’80s and the aesthetic is so you.
You also love a good thriller and you’re the type of person that’s down for an adventure no matter what it entails. You’re a ride-or-die type of friend and when people call you for help or advice you always know the right thing to do or say. You’re trustworthy and reliable and these are the qualities that people admire about you.
3. Pretty Little Liars
If your favorite show is Pretty Little Liars then you’re all about girl power and being loyal to your friends. You are loyal to a fault and your friends can trust you with anything. It’s also likely that you have a tight-knit group of friends and you all would do anything for each other.
4. This Is Us
If you love This Is Us then you are an emotional person who loves a good tear-jerker. You have an emotional connection with the show and find it relatable in some type of way. You like to have a good cry and just let all your emotions out, and this show definitely helps you do that.
5. Grey’s Anatomy
If your favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy you’re like, basically a doctor now. More than likely you’re the mom of the friend group, and you’re always ready to lend a helping hand. People know they can count on you and you take pride in that.
6. Friends
If your favorite show is Friends, then your friends are your life. You value them and you treat them like family. You also have a great sense of humor and you don’t take yourself or life too seriously. You’re light-hearted and people tend to be drawn to you easily.
7. Awkward
If your favorite show is Awkward then more than likely you’ve had some boy troubles and relate to the characters. You also love to have a laugh and you think the show is hilarious.
8. Big Bang Theory
If you love Big Bang Theory you have a witty sense of humor that you know not many people would understand. You’re smart and you appreciate people who can get your jokes and have something equally funny to say.
Sometimes people have a hard time keeping up with you, but you’re fine with that.
9. The Fosters
If your favorite show is The Fosters family means everything to you. You value the relationships in your life and you work hard to better them.
You also have an emotional side with a heart of gold. You’re sympathetic and caring and you’re always someone others can count on.
10. The Office
If you love the office you have a sarcastic dry sense of humor. You are a simple person that doesn’t need extravagant things to be happy. You find joy and humor in everyday life.
You are also smart and witty and that is one of the characteristics that people love most about you.
11. Gossip Girl
If Gossip Girl is your go-to then more than likely you have a bestie and you two are inseparable. You’re the ride-or-die type of friend no matter what goes on in your friendship. At the end of the day, you two know that you always have each other’s backs over anyone else.
You also have a bold personality and are the life of the party. People love being around you, and you and your bestie are an iconic duo that people can’t get enough of.
12. The Vampire Diaries
If you love The Vampire Diaries admit it, you watch it for all the hotties. Not only is the entire cast outrageously attractive, but the fantasy world of Mystic Falls is a way for you to escape.
You have a wild imagination and you love to get lost in your thoughts. Your a daydreamer and people are drawn to you because of that.
13. New Girl
If New Girl is your fav then you have a cute and quirky sense of humor that people love. You’re kind and caring and an amazing friend. The way you do things may be unconventional for some, but they know that’s just who you are and people love that about you.
14. One Tree Hill
If your favorite show is One Tree Hill you’re a hopeless romantic. All the couples in the show make you swoon and have made your relationship standards skyrocket. You hold relationships in your life to a high standard as you should.
15. American Horror Story
If you love American Horror Story you’re definitely a thrill seeker. You love a good murder mystery, and you don’t mind a bit of a scare. You’re adventurous and you’re curious. You’re willing to take risks in life and you’ll always be the one to volunteer to do anything first.
What’s your favorite TV show? Tell us down below in the comments!
Featured Image Source: https://weheartit.com/articles/332567918-aesthetic-challenge-tv-shows
Alina is currently a student at the University of Arizona, majoring in Care, Health and Society and minoring in Psychology. She has a passion for writing about everything including fashion, design, health, lifestyle, and so much more!