What You Should Know About Trying Drugs in College

Once you arrive at college, the world is your oyster. You will be surrounded by new experiences and it is up to you to make the best of it. The nightlife and constant partying is something that is unique to the college experience. In this aspect, you will find yourself surrounded by all kinds drugs in college. You may be curious about trying some, but have no idea where to start.
You want to ask question, but you probably feel silly asking more experienced people and in some circles, it is too taboo to discuss openly. The most important thing is your safety and comfort – find friends that are trustworthy and understanding, you do not need anyone pressuring you into anything. It is also important to be properly informed before trying anything. You do not want to let one bad impulsive decision negatively impact your life.
Marijuana (weed)
Probably the most commonly used substance in college. Marijuana is relatively one of the safest things you can do. In some ways, it is safer than alcohol. Many students turn to it for stress relief. You should not have any trouble finding people to experience this with, and they are often more than willing to educate you if you are a total noob. For first time users, stick to smoking or vaping. Edibles are much stronger and harder for a newbie to handle. And do not try mixing it with alcohol (a.k.a. cross-faded) until you are comfortable with it on its own. The main downside of weed is that, if overused, it can make people too relaxed and complacent, so make sure you do not let it interfere with your schoolwork.
MDMA (molly, ecstacy)
The problem with this drug is you have no idea what is in it. Just because you have one good experience with it does not mean you will have another, you may be taking a concoction that is completely different. With these synthetic drugs, the formulas are constantly changing.
Prescription medication
Like weed, prescription drugs, such as painkillers and Adderall, are drugs that are used by college students. This is true especially during high-stress times such as finals and midterms week. It is possible to get addicted and become dependent on these kinds of drugs, especially when they’re relatively easy to find on college campuses.
Cocaine/crack cocaine
Cocaine creates a short and intense high. And once a user comes crashing down, the urge to get the high back is strong. People may experience depression, irritability, and loss of appetite. It also has a risk of causing heart and respiratory issues.
As the name suggests, these drugs cause hallucinations – a temporary distortion of reality. This includes everything from mushrooms to acid to LSD. The good thing is that hallucinogens are typically not addictive; this means you can try it once if you are curious. The bad thing is that this one experience can be extremely negative if you take it in the wrong circumstances. The effects are rather unpredictable, so keep everything else as controlled as possible.
To avoid having a bad trip, take your time in planning an ideal setting. Pick a familiar place where you feel safe. Make sure you are around people you are comfortable with and trust. For something as strong as LSD, it is good to have someone who can guide you through the trip. Another negative aspect of hallucinogens is that you can build tolerance to them and then need to take a higher dose to have the same feeling. So this is something you truly should not do too often.
Drugs To Avoid
Somethings are taboo for a reason. Drugs on this list should never be tried, not even once.
- Methamphetamine (crystal meth, speed, crank, ice, glass): You cannot really just “try” meth. It is extremely addictive and the effects are physically and mentally damaging. Physically, it causes damage to teeth and skin. It is often called speed because it creates a huge spike in energy that will cause a person to push their body to the extreme. After that feeling wears off, users feel very down. It is like a sugar crash, but much, much worse.
- Heroin (dope, horse): Likemethamphetamine, it is very hard to only do heroin recreationally. In addition to being very addictive, the side effects are very strong: weakening of the immune system, respiratory illnesses, muscular weakness, loss of memory, decrease in intellectual performance, and depression.
Yasmin Sara studies International Political Economy and Communications at Fordham University. She loves to geek out about comics, TV shows, and tattoos. She blogs about news, politics, health, and occasionally dabbles in creative writing at modernmuckraking.wordpress.com. You can also follow her at batglare.tumblr.com.