Knowing the intricate details of your zodiac sign back to front is something that many associate with having a great sense of knowing and understanding, and this includes the bad side as well as the good! Instead of being the person who dismisses and laughs off their foul behaviour in the workplace as “oh I’m just SUCH a Scorpio” (no bias intended), here is some info on what you most likely need to acknowledge and work on based on your zodiac sign.
Oh Aries, you strong headed fire sign you!
Passionate, strong, and impatient in everything that they do, this impatience can often erupt at others around them who don’t share the same fast moving zest for life. While their dominance and desire to win is alluring to others at first, it may end up driving them away in the long run.
Aries, never lose your empowering dynamism, but learn to have patience with those around you who don’t. Meditation certainly helps a lot with the ‘hot-hotheadedness’ that comes with being a fire sign, especially one as full force as you Aries.
Homely Taureans put so much effort into their relationships – both romantic and platonic – and naturally expect the same back. It can be hard for these stubborn little bulls to accept that unfortunately, the universe (and its people) don’t always work this way, and this erupts their jealous rage that lurks behind a usually calm exterior.
Learn to accept that everyone expresses love and appreciation in different ways, Taurus. This doesn’t mean that your partner is betraying you, or that your friends are plotting behind your back, just because their method of expression doesn’t align with yours.
Ah, Gemini, what could possibly be wrong with someone who is so bouncy, lively, and sees everything as an adventure?
Unfortunately, Geminis tend to use their boundless energy to always jump from one thing to the next, whether it be jobs, relationships, or any kind of commitment. Understandably, this can leave a trail of abandonment and confusion in the wake of a lot of people and opportunities. These habits also tend to make Gemini come across as unpredictable, inconsistent and untrustworthy.
Don’t worry Gemini, we know you’ve got a heart of gold, all you’ve gotta do is slow down a bit! Acknowledge that projects are always exciting at first, and it is natural for that excitement to dim down after time. Stick it out! You’ll be surprised at the rewards that you can reap in doing so.
Ruled by the moon, Cancer is the most in touch with their emotions of all the zodiac. This is a beautiful thing, especially when it comes to creative expression, however, their swinging emotions tend to pinpoint them as the stereotypical overly-sensitive artist.
Not only is their emotional range wide, but extremely fast, which they themselves find difficult to keep at bay. Their sensitivity to the energies of others causes them to consistently be suspicious of their actions, as though they are always waiting for their feelings to be hurt.
Be strong, you beautiful little Cancerian crab! A weakness in the solar plexus chakra is common amongst Cancerians, which is what causes such rapid and intense sensitivity. Toughening this area up with meditation will work wonders for you energetically, allowing you to be around the worst of people and not have your mood affected by it.
Oh Leo, this is your world and everyone else is just living in it, right?
The lion of the zodiac with a ‘king of the jungle’ mentality, Leo lives to be the star of the show. Although this trait is a part of a Leo’s charm and magnetism, the pride and arrogance that comes with always needing to be centre stage can drive others away, as can their tantrums when the spotlight cannot be on them.
Learn to share the limelight Leo, or if not share, at least accept that not everything is show or competition.
You’ll find that sometimes, finding the beauty in other’s standouts and genuinely listening to what they have to say can be just as rewarding.
A perfectionist and critique in all that they do, it can be extremely difficult and almost unnatural for Virgos to separate these standards from their relationships with others. While they are simply practical in nature and in no way are meaning to hurt anyone’s feelings, their natural tendency to criticise can leave many tears and offended gasps in their wake.
Learn to accept that no one is perfect, Virgo. Not even you!
While your sky high standards are fantastic for the workforce and leaving REALLY detailed reviews on the websites of restaurants, they are best to be lowered in relationships so not to hurt anyone’s self esteem who deeply cares for you and drive them away. Never settle for less Virgo, but treat those you love with compassion and understanding.
Like the balanced scales, fair minded and socialite Libra loves to see things from all sides and perspectives, but this can therefore make it hard for them to make decisions.
Kind hearted and people – pleasing, Librans can far too often get caught in their own trap of being TOO considerate. Due to their naturally sociable nature, they are easily manipulated by the opinions of others in their instinctive quest to immerse themselves socially in all of life’s happenings.
Trust your gut, Libra. It’s there for a reason! You don’t have to be so diplomatic all of the time, your life is yours and yours only, to be lived by YOU.
The most emotionally intense of all the zodiac, Scorpio’s often find their intensity and passion settling on the negative end of the spectrum, ensuring that those who have wronged them feel the sting of their tail!
Scorpios are naturally jealous and suspicious minded of loved ones, and this tends to lead to obsessive tendencies. Always checking a lover’s phone, going through their belongings, and unwarranted accusative rages are behaviours all too common of a Scorpio in the dating world.
While their obsession with the thought of being screwed over is one thing, once someone has wronged them for real, they obsess in a most resentful and vengeful way, to a point of almost consuming their life completely.
Learn to trust not only in others, but in the universe, beloved Scorpions. Getting hurt absolutely sucks, but it is a risk everyone has to take. You don’t have to take karmic actions into your own hands all of the time – sometimes the bad things that happen to us are a blessing in disguise. Trust that the universe will take care of everything for you, and obsession and revenge will become a thing of the past.
Ah… Idealistic, dreamy Sagittarius. If only everyone could keep up with your dreams and keep you stimulated.
Much like Gemini, Sagittarius often has trouble sticking things out due to their passion and idealism, making them too easily bored with ongoing projects. They are not ones to stick around after a honeymoon phase has ended, whether regarding a relationship or practical project as they do not cope well with not feeling stimulation and excitement.
Always waiting to jump ship onto the next exciting adventure, this inconsistency can cause mistrust and hurt in their loved ones.
Slow down Sag, you adrenaline junkie you! Those dreams of yours aren’t going anywhere, nor is the world you’re so dying to explore. Hopping around life like a jack rabbit won’t achieve this any faster. Take it easy, you’ll be surprised at the rewards of sticking something out for a while.
One of the zodiac’s most dependable signs, Capricorn exerts outstanding control over themselves and their lives.
This stability, however, causes them to expect others in their life to be on par, and therefore ‘strict’ on them if they are not. While they mean well, this can come across as controlling and invasive. Traditional and conservative in their views, Capricorns also have a seeming inability to hear other’s opinions, especially if it clashes with their level headed ideals.
Learn to think outside the square, little goat! Accept that others may not share the same grounded mindset, but that it does not mean that they need ‘fixing’.
Try new things! Even if your friends proposal to stay out at a new bar when you both have work the next day is SO ridiculous, do it anyway. They’ll be pleasantly surprised to not receive a scolding, as will you at the adventure that breaking some boundaries can bring.
Aquarius is both the imaginative dreamer and the crazy inventor of the zodiac, which are both beautiful things. Where would the world be without dreamers?
Sometimes, the imagination of the Aquarius can run a little far and get a little too extreme, and can cause them to become baffled and frustrated when others don’t understand or agree to participate in their crazy experiments. They also tend to be attached and unemotional, preferring to spend their time learning and experimenting than relating to and socialising with those around them.
Tone it down a little Aquarius! Never lose that beautiful, curious imagination, but spend some time in the real world. Taking others feelings into consideration isn’t such a bad thing either.
Ah, gentle little Pisces. It’s difficult living with such a gentle, giving heart in a world so full of shadows and those willing to take advantage of you.
It’s no wonder these sensitive water – beings would rather find means to escape reality and pretend to live in a fairy tale world out of harm’s way. Unfortunately this dreaminess can lead to an addiction to conscious – altering substances, and is extremely unproductive in dealing with their consistent fear of confrontation.
Conflict is a part of life, Pisces! As John Lennon put it, everybody hurts sometimes. While escaping the real world for a while is great (don’t lose that ever – vivid imagination!), if you push through the hard times, your fantasies can become your reality instead.
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