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What Type of Starbucks Drinks Are You Based Off Your Zodiac Sign

What Type of Starbucks Drinks Are You Based Off Your Zodiac Sign

Based off your zodiac sign, these Starbucks drinks will be the perfect fit for you! If you’re ever in a pinch, and can’t decide on what drink to order just scroll down to your sign. 


Starbucks Double Shot on Ice 

Known as the pioneers of the zodiac’s, Aries need a strong drink to keep up with them.  Starbucks Double Shot on Ice is a rich hand-shaken espresso drink with a hint of milk to match the eagerness and competitiveness streak of an Aries. Just like the sign, the drink is uncomplicated and direct. Aries usually are not enticed by unnecessary details or various nuances, they’re simple people, which is why this drink embodies everything they represent. 


2. Taurus 

Matcha Green Tea Late 

Being one of the Earth signs, a matcha green tea latte fits this sign perfectly. Whether you decide to get it hot or iced, the earthy elements from the matcha will easily resonate within you. It matches perfectly with the practical and well-grounded side of a Taurus. The green tea will provide enough energy to keep up with Taurus’s ambitious nature without being over-powering. If it’s a little too bitter, you can always ask to have it sweetened with some sugar-free vanilla syrup without over-masking the earthy notes of the matcha.


3. Gemini

Iced Americano 

An absolute classic, an iced Americano compliments the adaptable nature of a Gemini. The expressive and versatile spirit of the sign matches the bold flavor of the Americano that is a quick go-to drink. The sign’s indecisiveness may arise when trying to pick a drink, which is why a simple drink such as an iced Americano could easily become a favorite. 


4. Cancer

White Chocolate Mocha Latte

Cancer’s emotional and intuitive spirit pairs well with this drink. Just like a Cancer’s emotional depth,  the White Chocolate Mocha Latte’s depth comes from the creamy sweetness of white chocolate mixing in with the rich flavor of espresso. The combination of flavors can attribute to Cancer’s complex nature through the infusion of sweet and bitter notes. 


5. Leo

Iced Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel drizzle

Leo’s tendency to overdramatize and need attention 24/7 compliment’s the extra-ness of this drink. Adding the extra caramel drizzle hits the spot for Leo’s nature to always want more and more. The more aggressiveness side of this sign is met halfway by the shots of espresso in the macchiato. Such a drink will easily become a favorite to Leo’s. Not only because of its flavor but also because of its visual appeal. It’s sure to grab people’s attention. 


6. Virgo

Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato 

Virgo’s constant strive for perfection and their detail-orientated nature is paralleled in the Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato. Virgo’s are known for their sweetness and compassion as well, which this macchiato certainly delivers in terms of sweetness. It takes coffee to another level. Its airy foam at the top and cascading espresso flavors that are mixed in with caramel give this coffee more than enough intricate details to please any Virgo.  


7. Libra

Cold Brew with Salted Cream Cold Foam 

Belonging to the element of Air, Libra’s tendencies to be cerebral and charming match the Cold Brew with Cold Foam. Classic cold-brew coffee topped with salted cream cold foam and a hint of caramel resemble the balanced harmony of a Libra’s essence. Not too sweet, but not too bitter either, the drink brings to full circle the symmetry that the sign represents. The frothy light foam at the top as well, resembles the air sign through its lightness. 


8. Scorpio 

Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte 

An Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte is a perfect fit for this sultry sign. The warm notes of cinnamon throughout this latte match the passionate and seductive nature of Scorpios. The whipped cream on top combined with the cinnamon dolce topping give more texture to the drink playing into the signs enigmatic tendencies.This sign is particularly ruled by their sensual side, and it needs a drink whose flavor can be just as intense. 


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9. Sagittarius 

Iced Mango Dragonfruit Refresher (w. Lemonade) 


This tropical refreshing drink matches the adventurous streak of a Sagittarius. The combination of lemonade, sweet mango, and dragonfruit flavors mirror the open-mindedness of this sign. Being an admirer of freedom, the plethora of flavors in this represents the head-first nature of Sagittarius’s to dive into any territory uncharted. It also helps that it’s incredibly visually appealing.

10. Capricorn 

Nitro Cold Brew 


Capricorns are known for their serious and disciplined energy. Not only do they thrive on organization and control, but their realism is a central aspect of this sign. The Nitro Cold Brew pairs well with Capricorns because of the nitrogen infused within the cold brew giving it a smooth flavor. Consistency is key for Capricorn.This drink is straight to the point which plays into the sign’s need for stability. There’s no distractions from the bold espresso flavor which will surely add a kick of energy to help any Capricorn through their busy schedule. 

11. Aquarius 

Unicorn Frappuccino 


Though the Unicorn Frappuccino isn’t available all year round, it’s a secret menu drink that embodies everything an Aquarius is. It’s an enchanting drink that starts off purple with swirls of blue, and then changes to pink. With Aquarius’s being idealistic and wildly imaginative, a unicorn inspired drink could not be any more fit for the sign. Even the flavor of the drink takes a journey from being sweet in the beginning to sour towards the end. 

12. Pisces 

Guava White Tea Lemonade 


Last but not least of the zodiac signs. Pisces’s are naturally born to be artistic and empathetic when it comes to human nature. Driven by their creative tendencies, the Guava White Tea Lemonade could easily become a favorite drink. Where caffeine may be too intense for Pisces’s who are quite social and always on the move, white tea provides just enough caffeine to keep them moving. The guava juice adds a bold flavor while making it visually appealing as well to tap into the sign’s visual aesthetic. 

Let me know if any of these Starbucks Drinks pair up with your zodiac sign below in the comments ! 

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