What Type of Cartoon Character You Are Based On You Zodiac

As millennials, our main source of digital entertainment was the dinosaur today’s generation would refer to as cable television. Unlike Gen Z, we didn’t have portable digital devices or the convenience of being able to stream whatever we wanted, when we wanted. We had to turn on our TVs and keep our fingers crossed that our favorite cartoon was on. Whether you were Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, or Disney kid, you were probably still well versed in identifying most, if not, all cartoon characters. Now that our interests have changed (but never forgotten), here are childhood cartoon characters based on your zodiac sign!
Aries: Eris from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Who can represent Aries better than the goddess of love herself? Although her name is spelled Eris, her personality fits the Aries personality to a T. Arieses can be intimidating and unapproachable but once you overcome that fear of rejection, they have the potential to be your next best friend. You just have to talk to them! Just like Eris, she will do anything for the person she loves. Therefore, she doesn’t trust anybody else but her lover, which can make her say savage remarks or become deceiving.
Taurus: Spongebob from Spongebob Squarepants
Supportive and humorous, Tauruses are like our favorite sponge from the sea. Spongebob shows hard work and dedication at the Krusty Krab by making sure all tasks given to him are executed. Unlike his friend, Patrick, he is often careful and sometimes too overly-cautious. Regardless, Spongebob is always down for a fun time! Just like Tauruses, Spongebob knows how to play it safe but he is always your go-to guy for an adventure.
Gemini: CatDog from CatDog
Geminis are known for having multiple personalities in one body just like CatDog. CatDog is a unique and original character that always seems to be on some kind of adventure. Although the Cat can often be overwhelmed and judgmental, distracted Dog helps overcome those traits with his high energy and curiosity. The two conflicting personalities can make Geminis unpredictable but they are definitely entertaining to be around!
Cancer: Bubbles from The Power Puff Girls
When we think of who ranks most sensitive and emotional in the zodiac, we think Cancers. When we think of who ranks most sensitive and emotional in cartoons, we think Bubbles. Although Bubbles can be perceived as the cry baby amongst the Power Puff sisters, she’s still a fighter. Bubbles has the strength and ability to defend herself and her friends when they’re put in any harm’s way. Like Bubbles, Cancers are not afraid to fight for what they believe in.
Leo: Johnny Bravo from Johnny Bravo
Nobody loves themselves more than a Leo. Like our favorite cartoon hunk, Johnny Bravo, he can’t seem to get enough of himself. Just like Leos, Johnny Bravo is confident and goes for what he wants. He has the courage to approach any situation with no fears of rejection because he’s secure among himself and his abilities. The women in Johnny Bravo would most definitely have to make sure their sign was compatible with Leos.
Virgo: Oscar Proud from The Proud Family
Extremely hard working and providing, Oscar Proud would have definitely been a Virgo. Among his wit and many opinions, he’s dedicated to his work. As one of the best dads in cartoons, he makes sure the people surrounding him don’t pick up lazy habits and is always an accessible resource in times of need. He assumes responsibility for all roles in the household and makes sure everyone is well taken care of.
Libra: Wilt from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
When it comes to the most unproblematic sign in astrology, Libras take the prize. Wilt is constantly surrounded by characters who cause mayhem, however, he always keeps it cool no matter what. He doesn’t involve himself in any petty drama but when he feels a sense of injustice he steps in just like Libras. Although he can be soft-spoken, every time he speaks up his words weigh heavy in importance.
Scorpio: Batman from Batman: The Animated Series
Mysterious and ready to protect the things he loves most, Batman resonates the most with Scorpios. Scorpios are a lot more secretive about their personal lives and don’t open up to people they can’t trust. Yet they go through great lengths to protect the people they care about the most the same way Batman protects the people of Gotham City.
Capricorn: Jimmy from Jimmy Neutron
Jimmy Neutron, the boy genius, is always on his A-game. His desire for success and over-achievement is what makes him a Capricorn. At times he can be uptight and competitive but he is generous when it comes to sharing his inventions with his friends. His heroic nature could be overbearing but it shows that he is willing to break his focus to ensure everything is okay.
Sagittarius: Wanda from The Fairly Odd Parents
Wanda is the more serious, realistic counterpart to Cosmo. She follows the rules and establishes herself as the leader in most situations without being asked. Just like Sagittariuses, she will grant your wishes with the intent of wanting to see her loved ones happy. Although she’s not the most positive, she keeps things realistic to provide balance to all situations.
Aquarius: Lilo from Lilo and Stitch
Lilo is the ultimate and best friend you could ever have. Her open-mindedness and inviting nature attract many people (and aliens) because she makes them feel included. Just like Lilo, Aquariuses aren’t afraid to speak up in what they believe. Even though Lilo can be irrational and guarded, it allows her to filter through what’s real in all her relationships
Pisces: Tommy Pickles from Rugrats
Imagination and helpfulness are two areas Tommy Pickles has covered. His wise insights on situations and his ability to find solutions sets him up as the leader for the rest of the Rugrats. The Rugrats often turn to him in times of crisis because they fully trust his capabilities in solving the issue at hand.