What To Wear For Sorority Recruitment At SJU

Panhellenic Council has caught your interest, you’ve gone to the Greek fairs, and submitted your application for recruitment at SJU. You’ve marked your calendar and you have three days until that first Friday of recruitment. You are ready to you’re your home away from home! However, is your closet ready? As girls in college, our wardrobe consists of the essentials: leggings, hoodies, ripped jeans, and white converse. Perhaps we have that one black sequin dress somewhere in our laundry basket buried under our flashcards and Starbucks receipts. Before you begin researching “Sorority recruitment outfits” all over the Internet, here are some tips on creating the perfect recruitment get-up. Keep reading for what to wear for sorority recruitment at SJU!
Recruitment is the time to show each sorority who you are outside of our classes.
Although what you wear isn’t everything, it is undeniably a signature of yourself. Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue once said, “Create your own style. Let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.” Needless to say, Anna knows what she’s talking about! What you wear to recruitment will be your way to stand out and show these organizations how much of a great asset you would be!
First and foremost, stay true to yourself! Find outfits that express who you are as an individual.
You’re trying to represent the best version of yourself and no one else. The primary purpose of recruitment is to find the right organization for yourself, so don’t be afraid to show who you truly are!
Wear an accessory that can be a point of conversation.
You never know what a cute necklace that you maybe made yourself can lead to!
Don’t be afraid to stand out!
If you have a hairdo in mind that you’ve always wanted to try, this is the time to do it. Recruitment can be overwhelming for the sisters as well so this always helps to make a lasting impression!
Show your true colors, literally.
If you happen to be a makeup artist or a person who’s always had an interest in makeup, don’t hesitate to show off your new Kylie Jenner lip gloss, work your cat eye, and top it all off with a spritz of your favorite perfume!
Be comfortable with a dash of style!
It’s a long day so you may want to avoid wearing anything that’ll begin to make you sweat in any unusual places.
This is so important when you’re considering what to wear for sorority recruitment. Avoid sweats but be cognizant of the time spent in recruitment!
The good news is that the first two rounds have a more casual side while the last day is a bit more formal. Bring out the heels!
Your best accessory is a smile. After all, you’re never fully dressed without a smile!
All in all, your outfits are the best way to formulate self-expression! Throughout these three days you will meet amazing girls from all over the country and perhaps, the world. You never know who can make an impact on you! Have fun and live in the moment!
Do you have more tips for what to wear for sorority recruitment at SJU? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured image source: hercampus.com
Nikki is a 20-year-old born and raised in the city of Miami, Florida who followed her dreams and decided to move to New York City. As a student at St. John’s University, she is a Communications major with a minor in fashion studies. Her passions include traveling, food, fashion, photography, and writing. She’s a firm believer that anything can be cured with a good laugh and a cup of coffee.