What To Talk About When Texting A Guy

Flirting is challenging enough as is but figuring out what to talk about when texting a guy can be just as difficult; they aren’t the quickest respondents and tend to be very nonchalant about talking. Men are simple so there is no point in trying to figure out what they mean. In fact, hate to break it to you girls but you’re most likely overthinking the whole scenario. While you may wrack your brain on what to talk about when texting a guy, my honest advice would be to talk about whatever you want. However, here are a few pieces of advice on how to text a guy if you find yourself overthinking it. Whatever rules of texting you’ve heard – fuck ’em they’re stupid.
The Most Important Thing On How To Text A Guy
Stop Overthinking.
Seriously that’s my one piece of advice if you don’t know what to talk about when texting a guy. You’re over analyzing and could honestly talk about whatever you want. The only one putting pressure on you is well… you. You need to remember that guys are in fact simple and the things girls wrack their brains on, don’t even cross a guy’s mind. Don’t freak out about how a guy texts you “k” or “cool;” they literally say what they mean a majority of the time. If in fact they are someone who can’t be upfront about what they are thinking, they you probably shouldn’t be texting them in the first place. If you don’t know what to talk about when texting a guy, let the guy lead the conversation; pretty brilliant, right? It’s really not that difficult to text a guy.
Be Yourself
If you can’t be yourself when texting a guy, then again, you shouldn’t be texting him in the first place. Less is more and 2018 does not have time for talking to people who don’t know your worth. So the next time you find yourself wondering what to talk about when texting a guy, remember…
Be yourself and be confident because guys aren’t the best at keeping a conversation going. You could literally talk about whatever the fuck you want and you’d be good. That’s my texting advice to you; there is no proper way of how to text a guy so again, fuck the rules of texting a guy because they do not apply. Chances are the guy doesn’t even think about those things too in depth.
Let us know what you think about what to talk about when texting a guy in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!