Categories: Lifestyle

What To Say Instead of “Happy Father’s Day” To Make Your Dad Completely Melt

Its father’s day and there you are wishing your dad a happy father’s day yet again, without much thought. But aren’t you sick of the old cliche happy father’s day, yeah I am too! Here are 8 different messages that get the happy father’s day across in a heartfelt unique way, sure to melt your father’s heart.

1. Happy Appreciation Day To My Best Friend

Happy father’s day is a sweet acknowledgment I mean you haven’t failed to recognise the role he plays as your dad. However, Dads like everyone else love to know they have a special place in your heart if not your life too, letting him know that you don’t just see him as a father but as a best friend too, is sure to melt his heart.

2. You Are And Will Always Be My First Love

On father’s day, we not only pay attention to the father that has raised us but also the love that he always unconditionally gives. There’s no love like the love of a father, and if you are daddy’s little girl there’s nothing more that will melt his heart, by letting him know he was your first love, and always will be.

3. Cheers To My Biggest Supporter

Dad’s love to be our cheerleaders and father’s day is always a fantastic time to let your dad know that their support hasn’t gone unnoticed. Reminding, him of all the times he’s been your rock and biggest encouragement is sure to melt his heart and send those happy father’s day wishes.

4. You Are My Biggest Inspiration

When we hear that we’ve inspired someone we always feel a sense of accomplishment, especially if its someone close and dear to your heart. By letting your father know what an inspiration he’s been to you over the years, is just a heartfelt message to say happy father’s day, and remind him of the amazing human being that he has become and how lucky you are to call him your father.

5. Theres No Better Protector Than A Father Like You

Its no secret that fathers are super protective more so over their daughters, but letting your dad know that you admire his protection reassures him that he’s lived up to his fatherly figure. Also, it’s just another way of saying you’ve always felt safe and loved, which is just one big heart melter to send your father’s day wishes his way.

See Also

6. You will Always Be My Superhero

If you ever looked up to your father when you were little and saw him as the big strong superhero, reminding him of this is sure to win his heart. I mean you are reminding him of his own strength and how admirable he will always be in your eyes, what a better way to say happy father’s day than to make his heart go all fuzzy with this one.

7. You Are The Perfect Father For Me

Being a parent comes with no manual book that’s for sure, so what better way to say happy father’s day than to remind your dad what an amazing parent he is to you. Why not go above and beyond for him too, and tell him all the reasons on why he is perfect in your eyes, its fathers day here’s your chance to make your dad smile.

8. I love You Unconditionally

I’ve included this one last because its probably something that crosses all our minds yet we forget so often to say it out loud. Nothing says happy father’s day than a big I love you to let your dad know that you love him as much as he loves you, this one is sure to be a father’s day winner and heart melter.

There you have it my 8 things to say to dad to uniquely convey the old happy father’s day wishes. Think you’ve got another creative way to change up the old happy father’s day message, I would love to hear in the comments below.

Feature Image Source:
Taylah Borg

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