What To Know Before Getting Eyelash Extensions

Everyone’s jumped on the bandwagon at least once to test out the water. If you’ve always wondered what they would look like on you, or are still wondering whether you should get eyelash extensions, we’ve hooked you up with the research!
They are elegant, fancy and really do elevate the person you are (not to sound biased, but it’s true).
Here is what you have to know before getting eyelash extensions and looking like the queen you are!
How Does It Work?
Basically, if you’ve ever been wondering what the deal is with eyelash extensions, it’s not rocket science.
Since you can’t open your eyes during the actual appointment for obvious reasons (you don’t want to get glue in your eyes, I hope), all you have to know is that individual lashes are glued in between your natural lashes.
It’s recommended that you watch some tutorials so you can get the gist of it! They are all over Instagram and Youtube for your enjoyment.
Don’t Be Worried About Damaging Your Lashes
This is one that most people worry about and it’s actually a myth.
Your natural lashes do not get damaged in any way whatsoever, since the glue used is special for eyelash extensions. Your natural lashes do not fall off nor do you look any different than before once your eyelash extensions have gone.
Do Your Research On Beauty Salons
This bit of advice will go a long way, because you do not want to half-ass your research and go to a place where they don’t do a good enough job when it comes to eyelash extensions.
Your lash extensions should not be falling in clumps after day one, nor should the appointment be quick. These are alarm bells that you should avoid. Check reviews and talk to friends to find the best place for you.
Save Up
True, eyelash extensions are a little pricey.
At the end of the day, you get what you pay for, so it’s crucial that you find a place that’s not too cheap so that you get the most out of your eyelash extensions.
The infills are usually around every 3 weeks if you want to keep touching up your eyelash extensions. If you’ve loved them the first time, then you will definitely keep getting them done.
On the bright side, the infills are cheaper than the first time you get eyelash extensions since they will not use the same amount of individual lashes.
What About Getting It Wet?
You can definitely get your eyelashes wet, but it’s usually recommended that you do not get it wet the first 24 hours so that the glue has time to completely dry.
This includes avoiding showers, the sea and pools with chlorine.
So, shower before your appointment rather than right after.
Patch Tests
They usually want you to come in a few days before your eyelash extension appointment to do a patch test. A patch test is basically to see whether you’re allergic to the glue used or if you experience some sort of reaction.
This is done with microblading and henna as well as some hair dyes.
Make sure you schedule in a patch test, because when you show up on the day of your eyelash appointment, they will simply do a patch test and ask you to reschedule the appointment for a few days after.
Ask For Different Kinds Of Lashes
Eyelash lashes come in all different shapes and sizes. They are even custom at times where they have recently introduced individual coloured lashes such as blue or pink.
But if you just want black eyelash extensions, they also have different kinds. Classic lashes include one individual lash on each lash, whereas Russian lashes are up to 3 lashes.
Don’t worry, the expert carrying out your appointment will guide you.
It’s Very Easy To Take Care Of Them
Make sure you brush them every morning and evening so that your lashes remain curled and the lashes don’t overlap.
Some salons tend to give you a lash wand either during the end of your first appointment or every time you go as it’s more hygienic and maybe you’ve lost your wand the first time around.
Make sure to keep them clean with oil-free make up remover.
DO NOT use products based with oil. This will damage the glue.
Be Prepared To Lay Down For Around 60-120 Mins
You will be laying down for quite some time, so don’t bring uncomfortable clothes to wear and make sure you go to the bathroom before. You will not be able to open your eyes during the appointment.
Depending on how many lashes you are getting fit in, the duration can vary depending on how fast the lash technician works, too.
Try not to fidget, because it’s a long process for the lash technician and they will try their best to fit in every lash.
What Not To Do Once You’ve Gotten Your Eyelash Extensions
Do not use makeup remover wipes on your eyes as the material can get stuck at the bud of your eyelash extensions. This goes for cotton wool or pads, too.
If you have used eyeliner, just use a cotton bud to carefully wipe the make-up away with a liquid that does not contain oil. Clean & Clear does amazing products that are not oil-based.
Do not in any shape or form, rub your eyes with your hands or wipes etc. This will be harsh on your eyelash extensions and cause them to fall out.
Do not use mascara. You won’t be able to remove the mascara afterwards and essentially ruin your eyelash extensions. There is no point in using mascara since the extensions give you a full mascara look sans mascara.
Careful when you put your head on the pillow. If you tend to sleep on your side, be careful with the way your eyes makes contact with the pillow, because if you end up rubbing your face against the pillow, eyelash extensions may fall out.
Also, don’t be worried about finding one or two lash extensions on your pillow in the morning. This is normal, but nothing to be worried about.
Once you’ve tried it, you won’t want to go back.