So you’re pledging a sorority (or about to be) and aren’t really sure what to expect. That’s okay – the rest of your pledge class is in the same exact boat! To ease your nerves and provide a little insight into the pledging a sorority process, here are a few things you can expect.
All of a sudden you have 100 girls who are your sisters. How in the world are you supposed to learn all of their names?!
DON’T FREAK OUT. I don’t mean ‘Mean Girls’ cliques. Some girls rush with their friends. Some make friends. Some rush to be with their friends. There is nothing wrong with having a core group of friends, but DO NOT forget to spend time with the rest of your sisters!
Everything from memorizing your founding year and symbols, to crazy fun mixers, you WILL have a packed schedule. In a good way. Everything you do is scheduled to be enjoyable for you. Would there be 120 or so other girls who already went through the pledge period and are obsessed with their Sisterhood if it wasn’t fun? Probably not.
DISCLAIMER: Make sure your academics remain #1. It is the reason you’re at school after all. Do you really want to be on academic probation for your first Date Party? If you find yourself struggling, reach out to your Executive Board. They’ll be more than willing to help – that is what they are there for.
Seriously. Clean out at least 2 drawers to make room. You will have more t-shirts than days in a semester.
You questioned your major didn’t you? It is perfectly normal to question a decision that will impact the rest of your life. There will be girls that have no doubts at all – that’s okay too. Just do what makes you comfortable and talk it out with people you trust!
Do it for the ‘Gram.
There is SOO much planning and hard work that goes into recruitment. There are entire departments within each Sorority devoted to this period. As a sister, you learn how detailed the process is – and you feel pretty damn special knowing you found your home through the craziness.
Also – the themes are always SO fun!
“So, like, are you in a blonde or brunette sorority?”
“I heard all you do is drink and party.”
There is nothing a Sorority Sister dislikes more. There is so much that goes into every aspect of philanthropy, service, friendship, leadership, scholarship, so on and so forth. The way the media presents Greek Life is all negative – when any Sister or Brother will tell you that they couldn’t be more wrong.
Don’t believe me? Check out this video:
It may seem like every second of every day is scheduled at first, but that is simply because your Sisters want to pack as much fun into your pledge period as physically possible. It will lessen, however there will still be a commitment. Learn to balance work and play and make sure your priorities stay in check. Enjoy this time, take it all in, and have fun!!!!
Whether it be your Big, your Little, your Recruitment Chair, or the girl you didn’t know lived down the hall from you all year, the girls you spend much of your time with during this process will be the greatest people you ever meet.
“Did you get hazed???” Expect to be asked this a lot. However, the way you answer varies depending on your chapter and your school. I have come to find that hazing has significantly decreased across the board. Because of today’s media, it is very easy for Greek organizations to get in trouble, which could result in the termination of the chapter. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, reach out to your Executive Board explaining your concerns. Hazing is not and never will be acceptable.
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