Categories: Entertainment

What To Expect From The Bachelor In Paradise This Year

Are you wondering what to expect from The Bachelor In Paradise this year? I sure am. It should not come as a shock that last month it was announced that Bachelor In Paradise was renewed for Season 6. Who’s excited? Like any Bachelor and Bachelorette junkie when the first season of this spin-off made its debut, I instantly fell in love. Who doesn’t love watching Bach alums trying yet again to find love? It’s too early to tell who will be on the show or what’s going to happen, but there are a few things we can predict. Follow below for what to expect from The Bachelor In Paradise this year!

1. Like The Past Seasons, It’ll Air In August

Bachelor In Paradise airs after The Bachelorette wraps, and we can predict that it will hit the air this August. Once it starts, it will probably end around mid-September like last season! Shooting has not begun yet, but we can bet production will begin in the next few months! Last year filming started in June and wrapped at the end of the month!

I know I can hardly wait for August. August is the end of summer, but because of Bachelor In Paradise, it feels like summer drags on for a couple months longer. I’m excited to see who’s on the show, what happens and who ultimately falls in love.

2. You’ll See a Few Familiar Faces

The cast list has yet to be released for Bachelor in Paradise, but you’re bound to see a few familiar faces. I mean duh this is a show dedicated to Bach alums. However, I’m sure you’re bound to see a few faces from both this past season of The Bachelor and Bachelorette.

I think Hannah B could be on Bachelor In Paradise and a few other girls from Colton’s season. However, I’m hoping to see Demi from this past season. I think she’d add some fun and drama to the show. Plus, I think she does deserve to find love.

3. Makeups/Breakups

Why else do we watch this show? We love both the makeups and the breakups. People fall in love fast on this show, and sometimes they fall out of love just as quickly. Get prepared for some messy breakups because they are bound to happen!

As much as we love the breakups, we love the makeups equally as much. This season be prepared to see countless numbers of breakups and makeups. I’m rooting for more makeups because everybody deserves love!

4. Love

The real reason why we watch this show is for love, and expect it this season. I’m rooting for these couples while I’m sitting on my couch sipping on some five dollar wine. I love seeing when a couple makes a deep connection, and you can feel the love.

See Also

Also, it’s well known that relationships from Bachelor In Paradise tend to work out over Bachelor and Bachelorette relationships. This is real love people, and I am here for it! Also, it’s easier for the contestants to find love because there are more of them!

5. Drama

Along with the breakups and the makeups expect some drama from this season of Bachelor In Paradise. Drama is inevitable. What do you expect when you put a large group of guys and girls together in paradise?

This season there will be girl fights, guy fights, and hurtful words thrown around paradise. I’m not complaining though because this is one of the reasons why I watch the show. The drama is a hook, and it’s got me!

What do you expect from this season of The Bachelor In Paradise? Comment below!

Featured Image Source:
Lauren Gragson

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