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What To Do With Your Ex’s Stuff After A Breakup

What To Do With Your Ex’s Stuff After A Breakup


Getting over a break up is no easy feat, especially when you have all their stuff lying around! Every time you see it, you’re faced with a wash of happy, frustrating, and sometimes painful memories. Do you get rid of it? Do you give it back? Read on for some tips on what to do with your ex’s stuff!

1. The Burn Option

We will always have the urge to burn all of our ex’s pictures, maybe their clothes too. This is of course our initial desire directly after any break up.  We want to forget the good things because we are angry and hurt. Stop yourself! Remember that you are mad right now- OK, maybe burn 1 or 2 pictures just to make yourself smile for a few minutes.

2. But before you light the match, give it some thought…

I have had plenty of experiences where the ex was an ex-boyfriend or an ex-friend, but weeks or months later we either get back together or become friends again. The pain will lessen over time one way or another, give yourself a chance to heal before making those decisions. You don’t deserve to lose a chunk of your life because of someone else’s decisions, whether you broke up with them or they broke up with you. I am a firm believer that I loved this person for a reason, just because we grew apart or one of us did something stupid, that shouldn’t erase a former love.


3. Put yourself in their shoes…just one last time.

We all have memories and we deserve to keep them. If your ex gave you or had something at your house that is sentimental to them, a family heirloom, or very important to them you should be an adult about it and make sure that they get those things returned to them. Imagine that your mother had given you a stuffed pig not long before she passed. Maybe you left it somewhere thinking it would be safe, maybe with someone you trusted. How would you feel if you found out that it was destroyed out of spite? That would be very cold to do to someone that you claimed to love.

4. Put down the matches, and pull out a dry, safe, storage box…

I think you should take those pictures, a few sentimental clothing items, the important gifts, etc. and box them up.

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5. …And put it away until you get over the roller coaster of post-breakup emotions

Put the box in a closet or basement for a few weeks to months. After that go through the box and decide what memories you want to or need to keep.

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