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What To Do If You Regret Rushing A Sorority

What To Do If You Regret Rushing A Sorority

Worried about what to do if you regret rushing a sorority? Don't worry! We have the best guide for how to handle Greek life.

Are you wondering what to do if you regret rushing a sorority? College is full of new experiences, this is no secret. You get thrown into situations and places that you have never dealt with before, and you are forced to learn to swim on your own. Most of the time, this is done without the comfort of your dearest friend accompanying you. Everyone tells you “get involved, it makes such a difference!” And so you put yourself out there, promising yourself that joining something, anything, will make college better.

For many people, this is sorority life. Most of us decided to rush a sorority to give us a ‘home’ on campus (and also because we like the service and academic benefits, but those aren’t as fun to talk about). But, just because you joined a sorority doesn’t mean you have to like it. You might think leaving is the simple answer for what to do if you regret rushing a sorority. However, coming from someone who was also not 100% sold on the idea at first either, do not disaffiliate. Here’s why:

1. Everything takes time.

Remember in elementary school when, at the start of every new school year, you couldn’t stop complaining about the kids in your class, or the teacher, or even the arrangement of the desks? But, as time went on and you got more comfortable, you finally settled in and made it so fun that the following year you had to go through the same painful cycle again?


2. That same cycle applies to college, and even sorority life.

Odds are you won’t fall in love with it at first. You’ll need time to find your routine, settle in to your surroundings, and most importantly you’ll need time to really and truly get to know your sisters. There’s a reason you made it through recruitment, and that’s because the older actives know you are going to be a great fit. You just need to give it a try.


3. Now, ‘giving it a try’ doesn’t mean just assuming their letters as yours, it means actively getting involved in the events the sorority is putting on.

This doesn’t mean you have to go out every night of the week and always have a chipper attitude at bonding events, but it does mean that the effort you put in will be the effort you get out of it.

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Going into spring rush for sororities can be stressful! Here are a few tips and tricks to try for this years recruitment.

4. One of the biggest misconceptions about rushing a sorority, in my opinion, is that everything past bid day is sunshine and flowers.

The few weeks following bid day are full of stress and questions, as you’re literally trying to figure out where you fit in this huge family. For some it comes natural, but for others it takes time. And let me be the first to say, don’t be ashamed if it takes you a little extra time.



5. Joining a sorority has been the best decision I’ve made thus far, but I didn’t always have that opinion.

I stuck it out, tried to make the most of it, and in the end I fell in love with it. I encourage you to do the same. Put yourself out there, try some new things with different sisters, and see how it feels. Of course, there is no shame in disaffiliating, but at least make sure you are positive before taking that step, as leaving Greek life is a little harder than joining Greek life!

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