What To Do If He Pops The Question

Relationships are not an easy part of life. It takes time to find that right person that’s willing to work with you; someone that builds you up and supports you. A relationship is a team effort! You both need to have similar goals and aspirations; to want to make each other the best possible versions of themselves and that make you want to be the best version of yourself! If you’re lucky enough to find that special someone that just completes you, you would want to spend the rest of your life with them, right? But that is a serious commitment, so if he pops the question, what do you do?
1. Don’t Panic
Chances are, if he pops the question, it’s because you two have created something beautiful that he truly cherishes! Of course there is the off-chance that that is not the case, but we will leave the differentiating to you since we haven’t been there experiencing the relationship with you. It also probably means that this has already crossed your mind. Probably a few times. So first and foremost, we strongly recommend that you do NOT panic. Panic usually leads to impulse and impulse when he pops the question will most likely not end romantically. BREATH!
2. Think
If and when he pops the question, you typically have a pretty short window of time to get a full response/reaction out. At least if you don’t want to keep you two standing there extremely awkwardly and uncomfortably (which seems to happen more often than you would think, so if you are awkward, it’s okay). So, as we mentioned before, chances are this exact moment has already crossed your mind multiple times. At this stage, think about where your mind went before. Can you see you two together for the rest of your lives? Or have you had that gut feeling that it just isn’t going to work out?
3. Make a Pre-Decision
Before you open your mouth after he pops the questions, you have a yes or no in your mind already. We’re 75% of the way there, take a deep breath! Whether the answer is yes or no (we’re hoping it’s a yes or that would be super awkward) you need to quickly but thoroughly decide how you’re going to give that answer. If it’s a no, are you going to be brutal with a one-word answer? Are you going to let him down extremely gently? Maybe tell him to wait? And if it’s a yes, is it a one-word celebration? Do you give a very short “I Love You” speech with it just to make the moment that much more special? It depends entirely on your feelings and instincts towards your relationship. Unfortunately, we can’t make it for you.
4. Let It ALL Out, Girl
Here it is. The moment where you just lay it all out there, whatever you decided to answer. Do NOT hesitate because hesitation can cause serious issues in this type of situation. Do NOT lie. That may sound silly but that includes sugar-coating a rejection which a lot of us tend to do to avoid hurting someone we care about. If he pops the question and you’re rejecting, it’s going to be extremely difficult. You’re going to want to go in circles around your actual answer… DON’T.
Now you just have to go with your flow from here, girl. We gave you the guidelines, now you just have to bring it all together.