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What To Do Around East Stroudsburg University When You’re Broke AF

What To Do Around East Stroudsburg University When You’re Broke AF

East Stroudsburg University activities are fun. Here are the best things to do at East Stroudsburg University that will have you enjoying yourself and are affordable. These free East Stroudsburg University things to do are worth it.
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It’s the typical stereotype of a college student, being so broke that you are confined to ramen noodles and other junk-food items.  However, being broke does, and should not, translate to not having fun on campus.  Especially East Stroudsburg University’s Campus!  Here are things that you can still be able to do on OSU’s Campus despite being broke AF.

Hit the Gym at Mattioli

The great thing about our Mattioli Recreation Center is that the cost of admission is a swipe from your eCard.  From the fitness room, to the sky track, to the basketball courts, to volleyball/tennis (depending on the day), to racquetball, and foosball or ping-pong, there is nothing you can’t do here with your friends.  Heck!  You can even watch movies in the rec lounge underneath the stairs if you’re not into physical activity!

Anyone Up for some Frisbee?

For anyone into sports, open area spaces like the Shawnee Quad are perfect for any outdoor pick-up game, or just a simple toss around.  Football and Ultimate Frisbee can be easily played on the quad, but my personal favorite is soccer!  Although, you may want to go to Mary Street (Behind the Performing Arts Center) or Smith Street (In front of the Performing Arts Center) for fields with nets.


The Big Game is Happening!

All of the sporting events around campus are free, especially if you live on East Stroudsburg University campus (Not having to deal with paying for parking).  With Eiler-Martin Stadium and Koehler Fieldhouse within walking distance, getting to sporting events with your friends is simple and easy, all with the swipe of the eCard!

See Also

 Who Says School Functions Aren’t Nice?

Whether it’s a keynote speaker, a social, or a bingo session (if you’re that poor), there is always something to gain at a school function.  A good majority of socials/special events happen at Common Grounds, next to Center Court in the University Center, and many are free of charge!  While most lectures/discussions are held at Beers Lecture Hall, there are some held in Stroud Hall.  Just don’t be late!


What Ever You Want With Your Friends!

There is never a price tag on friendship!  As long as you have friends on campus, as well as a common activity, there are no limits on what you can do with your friends!  Despite being broke AF you can still have fun at East Stroudsburg University.

Let us know what you think about East Stroudsburg University in the comments below!
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