What Succulent You Should Get Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Succulents are the most beautiful and easy to take care of plants, in my opinion. Especially for college students who are busy, but want to have plants in their living spaces. There are so many options out there though, and if you don’t know where to start, here’s a good place to begin! Here are what succulent you should get based on your zodiac sign!
Golden Glow
This vibrant golden succulent is perfect for you Aries because of your exciting, vibrant and spontaneous personality. This gorgeous succulent will brighten any room you put it in, just like how you brighten any room you walk into. You two are perfect for each other and this succulent will make your day!
The Panda Plant
Being a Taurus, you have an eye for beauty, You appreciate the arts and have fine taste. The panda plant is perfect for you because of that appreciation. The fuzzy texture of the succulent makes it look soft (because it is) and adds a frosty look to it. Succulents die in the frost, so the fact this looks like its frosted adds a unique aesthetic to the succulent. The panda plant looks fancy and cute at the same time and this will complete your room or office and will fit in perfectly.
This succulent is perfect for you because of how dynamic it looks. It looks like a succulent palm tree, but the colors are dark with a mix of green where new leaves grow. Just like a gemini who is able to appeal to anyone because of your ability to see everyone’s perspective and then get along with it. Geminis are always called two faced or fake or accused of having multiple personalities, and while some may be that way, most are simply able to get along with others because of how flexible and open their own personality is. They can get along with everyone and use their wit to do so. This spicy and adorable succulent is perfect for you.
String of Pearls
This is the perfect succulent for you, cancer. It’s super cute and pearls are your birthstone, so this beauty was basically named for you and is made for you. You are very loyal to those around you and those you have built a strong bond with, and the way this plant grows reminds me of a close group of friends or family. This will brighten up any room or space of yours and this succulent is a must for you.
Spring Beauty
You are the royalty of the zodiac. The ever-shining flamboyant sign who has a big heart and protects their loved ones. The spring beauty is an iconic succulent that many people think of when they hear the word succulent. Since it’s so iconic, I thought it would be perfect for you. Leos I know stand out in their friend circle and in general, and this succulent is one that’s for sure going to match your personality and add the perfect touch to your workspace.
Ogre Ears
Your analytical and practical mind that strives for perfection needs some spice in its life. The ogre ears succulent are perfect for that. They grow in a mostly uniform manner which will allow for some uniformity as it grows, but the funny name and overall look will be that extra quirkiness and cuteness you need in your life. Hopefully you’re a Shrek fan as well because these could definitely go in that movie and they are a perfect fit for your neat and tidy office space.
Red Carpet Sedum
You are ruled by the planet of love and feminine grace and the perfect succulent for you is the red carpet sedum succulent. Like the name implies, it’s red and if you plant it outside it can beautifully grow and cover the ground wherever you’d like. You should try to contain it though because it will take over your garden. It can also be contained to a cute pot, and these beautiful succulents will enhance your living space beautifully.
Cosmic Candy Sempervivum
The cosmic candy succulent is perfect for a scorpio because of the spicy and iconic look it has. It looks like your classic succulent with a slight twist, which is the white cotton candy like fibers that grow on the edges of it. To me, that draws people in to make them go, “What the heck is that? A spider or is that just how the plant grows?” and people are drawn to investigate. Similar to you, Scorpio, who has a personality that draws people in and attracts them. You’re a very private individual and only let few people get close, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t drawn to you. You’re selective with who you get close to and only let a few special people in. This succulent is perfect for you and those who show interest in it when you have it on your desk are probably worth getting to know a bit more.
This gorgeous and classic succulent is perfect for your optimistic, candid and witty self. Most of the time people are drawn to you because of that. A select few recognize those traits and also appreciate them, but see your deep, passionate and caring side as well that you don’t share with any others. This succulent is a way for you to share that deeper passionate side because it looks gorgeous and can also be used to soothe burns or irritated skin.
Crinkle Leaf Plant
This succulent doesn’t look like your traditional, classic one. It’s crinkly and also fuzzy. Some are fuzzy as well, but most have rounded edges! You love keeping things traditional and classic, so this one is here to spice up your life. It’s adorable so you’ve got to add it to your collection, but will also make people double take when they see it on your desk. The crinkles are somewhat uniform, so it won’t stand out too much, which is pleasing to you, but it will add some zest to your desk and space which is something you need right now and that’s why this succulent is perfect for you!
Burros Tail
Just like the burro’s tail succulent is an unconventional succulent, you’re the most unconventional sign. You do what you want with your life because you want to. If you are passionate about something you’ll pursue it not giving a crap about what people say you should or shouldn’t do. The burros tail succulent does the same thing. It’ll keep growing and growing and getting bigger and bigger if you let it and treat it with proper care. You two are perfect for each other, and more will grow from the initial few you buy so you can grow more and more!
Queen of White Thread Agave
This succulent is perfect for you because you are all about dreams, fantasies and illusions. This plant is mesmerizing with the different colors, points and fibers. You’re also a queen and deserve a succulent that’s got queen in the name of it and this is perfect for you.