What Netflix Show You Should Watch Based On Your Zodiac

Here you are looking for a Netflix show you should watch based on your zodiac because you don’t have a single clue. Maybe you’ve given a couple series a shot but you’d find yourself trying to reach the next level on Toy Blast instead of watching the show. You want a show that’s captivating and relatable, that’s understandable and you’ve come to the right place.
Aquarius: Iron Fist
You are a quiet intellectual thinker, who at times can be energetic. You’re all about problem-solving and helping people. However, you use your defense mechanisms, cold and insensitivity, to hide your true emotions, which puts a damper on your reputation. And based on that, your Netflix show is Iron Fist.
Danny Rand, the main character, is a crime fighter who uses his kung-fu mastery to fight against the crime that occurs in his world. While trying to reconnect with his past and family legacy, after being missing for years, and developing feelings for Colleen Wing, another character, he uses kung-fu and coldness as his defense mechanism.
Pisces: Soundtrack
You are friendly and selfless because you willingly help others without expecting anything in return. You are very emotional and overly trusting, even in toxic relationships, which you are known to be involved in. You have a desire to escape reality. Your dislike the past coming back to haunt you but you love music and romance. You are the Netflix Show, Soundtrack.
Soundtrack is everything a Pisces is. This musical drama series explores love, loss and the importance of family. The show has a tendency to travel back and forth from the past to the present and shows how the past has an effect on the characters in the presence. As a way to show their thoughts and feelings, the characters would break into a song, however, they aren’t the ones singing, it is the artist who originally sings the song. But while the characters are facing their own issues, they are soon to learn the importance of family.
Aries: Punisher
You are energetic and confident but known to be impulsive and aggressive. Your energy and confidence drive you to be the best. You invite competition because it pushes you to be the first in everything promptly and in your organized way. And while it seems that nothing is wrong with that, it does lead to complications. You like to lead with the head because it’s faster for you but be careful and watch where you are going, you wouldn’t want to hurt yourself.
Your Netflix series is Punisher. The main character, Frank Castle, is focused on avenging his family’s death. But focusing on revenge, he will soon encounter the truth on how uncovering the truth will affect more than himself.
Taurus: Dead To Me
As the most reliable sign, you stay grounded and see things from a practical and realistic perspective. And some may consider you insensitive because you don’t sugarcoat, but that is your strength and what makes you reliable. People go to you for advice because they know you’re going to give them the truth, the practical standpoint, which is why you have long-term friends and family who offer you love and support. But you also have expectations when it comes to friends and family, and you expect those to be met.
You are the Netflix show Dead To Me because you are there for your friends and they are there for you. Just like how you are upfront with them, you expect them to be upfront with you. After her husband’s death, Jen, the main character, leans toward her ladies’ support group and develops an unusual friendship with all of them. And while there’s a lot of secrets being kept that can destroy friendships, the series is about how no matter what, forgiveness is key, especially in friendships.
Gemini: Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
You are gentle, affectionate and able to learn quickly, however, indecisive, which is ironic considering you have two different personalities. You are fun and sociable but then serious, thoughtful and curious. You live as if you don’t have time to live. Your childish innocence is why you have so many friends. You establish a connection and love between different personalities through verbal and physical contact.
The Netflix show for you to watch is Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is the daughter of Lucifer and has to reconcile with being half-witch and half-mortal, which comes with difficulties considering she has to attend a witch school that prepares her for the dangers that come her way and a regular high school. Whenever she isn’t handling immortal issues, she’s free-spirited and energetic with her mortal friends, but she’s the opposite when she has witch duties. She does establish a romantic connection with Harvey who is mortal and Nick who is immortal.
Cancer: Stranger Things
You’re the most challenging sign. You are emotional and sensitive and you seem to get attached to people you keep close. You’re able to empathize with other people’s pain. Because of how emotional you are, you don’t have coping and defensive mechanisms, so, those who are associated with you have to be careful when dealing with your emotions. You are all about peace and harmony and helping others. Even so, that you will pull a David and Goliath and attempt to defeat those who are more powerful than you.
Your Netflix show is Stranger Things. This series is about a young group of friends who stick together to conquer supernatural forces to save their friends, no matter how big the challenge is. Will’s mother, Joyce Byers, in the first season, did not give up on finding her son, and that shows a mother’s love, specifically when she uses Christmas lights to communicate with him.
Leo: Lucifer
Your creativeness, confidence, and passion make you a great leader and attractive. You have the ability to solve even the most difficult problems because you take initiative. On the other hand, you’re arrogant and stubborn. You get caught up in your self-awareness causing your ego to grow. You are all about you and will neglect others to get the gold. In other words, you’re Lucifer.
After becoming unsatisfied with being in hell, Lucifer decides to live his life in Los Angeles where he encounters fans of his and some who aren’t fond of him. he opens a nightclub where he can indulge in his favorite things, which are women, wine and music. However, he gets into detective work when a murder happens outside of his club and he meets the woman who will remind him of the feeling of love, Detective Chloe.
Virgo: 13 Reasons Why
You’re attentive to the smallest details and understanding. You live your life in a way where you are prepared for the unexpected. You are sensitive but you are careful when it comes to showing emotions because you think your feelings are irrelevant to others.
13 Reasons Why is your Netflix show to watch because the majority of the main characters are high schoolers and they’re all emotional people, specifically after Hannah’s death. But a lot of them hide their emotions because they feel that they aren’t heard or no one cares. In the following seasons, a lot is occurring, forcing them to prepare mentally and physically for the best or the worst.
Libra: On My Block
Friendship is very important to you. You expect a balance when it comes to friendship meaning you both have each other’s backs, you both have some of the same hobbies and interests, and you both are equal. You are all about equality and harmony. But you have trouble with deciding. Anytime you are required to choose sides is where you fail because you lose your voice. Choose the right friendships where you can say what you want to say and if not, they are not the right friends for you.
The Netflix show for you is On My Block, which is about lifelong friendships being tested and how teens in high school face challenges in an urban neighborhood in South Central Los Angeles.
Scorpio: Marcella
You might as well be a detective because you are determined and decisive and won’t stop until you discover the truth. You are passionate, resourceful and stubborn, which are your strengths. When it comes to finding the truth you are a great leader who is always aware of their surroundings and the situation. Now, just because you are fierce than any other sign, doesn’t mean you don’t have emotion. You do show your emotions but different than other signs. You don’t tolerate dishonesty and can get jealous and suspicious.
Marcella is the definition of a Scorpio. This British drama is about a detective, Marcella Backland, who deals with different cases and encounters many different people who take her on various emotional journies.
Sagittarius: G.L.O.W
For those who love traveling doesn’t necessarily mean traveling outside of the state or country. Some who love to travel may love exploring change. And you are a curious and energetic explorer. You love your freedom to roam various options. You are enthusiastic when it comes to change because you can’t wait to see what’s laid out for you. On the other hand, because you enjoy freedom, you feel that you are entitled to say anything you want. Technically, you can, however, sometimes the things you say can negatively impact people. So, it’s best if you learn to express yourself in a tolerable way when being social.
GLOW is your Netflix show because the main character, Ruth Wilder, is an out-of-work actress who lives in Los Angeles in the 80s, and meets her change when she enters the glitter and spandex-laden world of women’s wrestling. Although she never saw herself in this position, she chooses to embrace it and see where it takes her.
Capricorn: Ozark
You are a natural-born leader who knows how to be responsible and you have self-control. When it comes to your personal and professional life, you are independent. You know how to manage the people around you. However, we are living in a material world and you utilize the most out of it, which makes you stubborn. When it comes to other people who are different from you, you have a hard time accepting them. You are also unforgiving and distant.
Ozark is your Netflix show because when Marty Byrde gets involved in a money-laundering scheme, he has to lead his family to safety from a Mexican drug lord. His mistakes cause a break in his family and he works to reconnect them.
There are times where you don’t know what to watch. Why not watch something that you can relate to? Share to that friend is has nothing to watch and comment below your zodiac!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/409827634841515509/
Hello! For starters, thank you for taking the time to figure out who I am. My name is Taylor Berry, a journalism major at Florida A&M University and I am from Fort Lauderdale, FL. God is the reason I am here right now writing for this amazing online magazine and I can't wait to see where it takes me. I am happily engaged and I love that the love of my life is so supportive of my career choices and he is the reason I am working hard at making my goals a reality. This writing opportunity at Society19 is the start and I am grateful for the people who gave me this opportunity. I know I won't let them down and I won't let the readers down. So, I encourage those of you out there who are bored or looking for the latest styles, advice, and gossip, explore Society19! And don't forget to like, comment and share!!!