College Life

What My Family Thinks I Do On Summer Vacation vs. What I Actually Do

Summer vacation is in full swing and that means I’ve been enjoying the sweet, sweet freedom from school, right? I mean I did escape to St. Augustine, Florida for a week in May! And I have so much reading and writing to catch up on that I must be doing that with most of my free time! Right? Not Exactly.

What My Friends and Family Visualize Versus My Reality

1. Sitting on the Beach

If only I was doing that all summer! I spend one heavenly week a year in Florida with my family, but I can only afford to take the entire summer off in my dreams. I still have to help my fiance pay the bills, after all! I’ll admit that our one week of vacation is always much needed after finals end, though. It’s a good way to relax after stressing for weeks on end as I rush to write (I mean finish!) papers, study for the few tests I have as a Creative Writing major, and the projects that get piled on at the end of every semester. But soon after returning from Florida the stress returns as I settle back into my work routine. I stop going to bed at 10 PM and waking up at 8:30 AM and start staying up late again.


2. Sleeping My Summer Away

Every college kid spends their free time sleeping, right? In my dreams. Okay, so I admit that I sleep until 10 AM or 11 AM but in my defense I’m going to bed between 1 AM and 2 AM (meaning I fall asleep even later), so really I need that rest! Working from 3 PM-11 PM at McDonald’s seriously wears me out and while I could probably force myself into bed as soon as I get home, I prefer sitting down and unwinding first. It gives me the chance to talk about my day, watch some Netflix, and generally just get tired with my cats.

3. Reading, Lots and Lots of Reading

I’m an avid reader, when I have the time. In high school you could hardly pry books out of my hands and I absolutely never left the house without one! Being in college and working has taken a toll on this, unfortunately, so summer is generally the time of year I spend devouring books. The majority of this takes place on – you guessed it – the car ride to and from Florida, and while we’re down there. I take two or three books and finish at least two, if not all three. Then I spend the rest of the summer sneaking pages on my breaks and before bed and spending hours on my days off getting lost in my favorite worlds. That is, when the claws of Netflix don’t snatch me up first.

4. Working Constantly

Ah, yes, the main thing I do with my summer. I work as much as I can because I know that once classes restart in August I’ll cut my hours in half. I know from experience that if I don’t cut my hours then I burn out pretty quick and my schoolwork takes the hit. So I work as hard as I can instead of relaxing so I can focus on my future later.

See Also


5. Writing Day and Night

To be a successful writer you’re supposed to get into the habit of writing daily, or so I’m told. I know, you probably think that I while away my days on the couch, my bedhead falling into my eyes with every opportunity, typing madly. And that’s true, when I can find the motivation. Which typically strikes me at about midnight or while I’m out and about and can’t write. Because my hours and days off tend to vary it can be hard to get into a routine, so my writing can get pushed to the wayside. It’s an easy excuse to make, I know, but it’s the unfortunate truth, though I’ve been improving.

With all of this said, summer is still amazing. I find time to write, read, and sleep. Some days I have more free time than I know what to do with! Not everything is what I may long for, or what my friends and family may think! Hunting for shells on the beach, walking the streets of downtown St. Augustine, sleeping for more than eight hours, reading or writing the day away, or working are all just parts of my summer and I wouldn’t trade any of them, if I’m being honest. It keeps me busy, instead of sitting at home watching the same old shows on Netflix every day.

What are your plans for summer vacation? Share in the comments below!
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Hunter Garrison

Bachelors degree obtained from Ball State University. Majored in Creative Writing and minored in Professional Writing/Emerging Media.

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