
What Lipstick Color You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Knowing what lipstick color you are can totally be determined by your zodaic sign! Here’s our take on it!

Aries: Signature Red

You’re a daredevil by nature. You’re not afraid to rock a stand out classic. You’re bound to be drawn to the classic Hollywood red lip. Not too bright and not too cool either. Perfect for all year round looks. Try out Mac’s Retro Matte Lipstick in ‘Ruby Woo’, raved about the world over.

Taurus: Cool Mauve

An earth sign that’s down to just that. Your best bet is a cool toned mauve shade, to enhance your natural beauty. Both practical and sensual to suit your personality. Give Anastasia’s Matte Lipstick in ‘Dusty Mauve’ a go.

Gemini: Glitter Flip Lip

Being two-faced (in the best kind of way!) you need a lip that’ll show all sides of your personalities. Be sure to give a glitter flip lip a go. Simply press your lips together following application and watch the magical glitter appear from seemingly nowhere. Get the look with Ciate’s Glitter Flip Lipstick in ‘Chaos’ for a more ‘everyday’ look.

Cancer: Nude Gloss

You’re the comforting shoulder for everyone else to cry on. You’re reliable, and as a result need a lipstick you can rely on for any occasion. The answer? A nude gloss! Now you can call it your lips but better, without the nude lips but better lipstick. Try out Rimmel’s Oh My Gloss! Lip Gloss in ‘Crystal Clear’.

Leo: Golden Goddess

Never afraid to be centre of the attention, a bold lip is your go to.  Throw on L’Oreal’s Color Riche Gold Obsession in shade ‘Pure Gold’ and be ready to receive adoration on your choice.

Virgo: Tan to Go

You’re the perfectionist of the lot. You need a lip that’ll match just about anything. Why not grab your go to tan shade? NYX’s Butter Lipstick in ‘Tan Lines’ will do the trick for you.

Libra: Light Pink

You’re balanced, with a delicate side. We all love a lighter pink on the lip for you. Just right for a bit of dressing up but not too much so. NYX’s Lip Lingerie in ‘Silk Indulgence’ will enhance your feminine features.

Scorpio: Vampy Dark Berry

There’s no denying the secret weapon of the Scorpio: a vampy lip. Dark berry is a particular favourite for this sign to reach for. Be smokey and night out ready; pop on Urban Decay’s Cream Vice Lipstick in ‘Shame’ to showcase your dark side.

See Also

Sagittarius: Muted Coral Pink

Being that enthusiastic, you need a shade to compliment this.  A coral pink lip looks flattering across all skin tones and does the job to make your lips pop in a subtle manner. A great choice for this is NARS’ Semi Matte Lipstick in ‘Breaking Free’ for never ending summer vibes.

Capricorn: Brown Nude

Practicality in your name and game. Break out a brown to complete your look. Conventional yet edgy, you’ll leave the house ready to seize the day. An affordable choice to get this look is Revolution’s collaboration with sophdoesnails, a perfectly curated ‘browney nude’ lipstick in shade ‘Syrup’. If you’re a Capricorn, you’re definitely this lipstick color!

Aquarius: Unconventional Iridescent Gloss

Everyone knows you’re the unconventional sign of the group. Why not reflect that in your look with a iridescent shifting gloss? Wear on its own for maximum payoff. Lime Crime’s Diamond Crushers Lip Topper in ‘Trip’ will put in the work for you.

Pisces: Wearable Blue

Be true to your sign and embody your creativity. Wear it up with a gloss on top or on its own. You’ll be sure to capture attention whatever the case! A super wearable blue is available via Maybelline’s Color Sensational Loaded Bolds in shade ‘Midnight Blue’.

Which lipstick color are you? Let us know in the comments!
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Haley Lyndes

Just a twenty-something trying to navigate life. Northern Vermont University graduate. Yes, I own Birkenstocks. No, I do not like maple syrup. Hoppin' around New England since 95', currently in MA.

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