What Life Is Like From A Southern Belle To A Yankee In College

It’s college time and instead of following the trends of your friends, you’ve decided to do the unthinkable, leave the South. Well, bless your little heart you’re in for a change. Here’s what you need to know when making your transition from Southern Belle to a Yankee Hell.
1. There is no sweet tea.
Do not order sweet tea when going out. All you will be met with is a watered down tea flavored disappointment and the offer of Splenda.
2. Cold doesn’t even cover it.
It goes from warm and sunny to freezing your butt of Jon Snow style overnight. Prepare for the snowy months with gloves, a scarf, and a hat you’ll need it. And remember, layering is key!
3. Goodbye Waffle House, hello IHOP
Us southerners love a good waffle house run at 3 am. But moving to the north, those cherished late nite waffle house dashes will become a thing of the past. Don’t worry though, IHOP is a worthy substitute and Waffle House will always be there for you when you get home. Now don’t even get me started on the lack of Chick Fil A.
4. You can do this!
Making a transition from the south to the north is hard. Especially when your family is so far and all your friends have decided to stay back home. But college is a time for new experiences and pushing your comfort zone. The north will take some getting used to but you are a southerner and southerners do it best!
This is truly what it is like to go from a Southern Belle to a Yankee!