What Kind of Vibe Will Your Outfit Have if You Shop at One of These Stores

Style is a big part of a person’s life. It shows what kind of person they are to the world. This is why the fashion industry is very successful and important. There are countless clothing stores in their world, and they all have their own unique styles. The chain clothing stores are always reliable when you need a certain type of outfit. Wherever you go across the country, they will most likely be there. Whenever you put on an outfit, you are most likely trying to achieve a certain style that will be your image to the world that day. Sometimes you have specific outfits planned out in your head without actually having the clothes. How will you know where to find those clothes? Stores might not always have the exact clothing items that you picture in your head, but there will be places that can get you close. A lot of stores have a certain vibe with their clothes that will lead to certain types of outfits. Many chain stores are trying to target a specific audience with a specific style, and judging by their successes, they know what they are doing.
1. Old Navy
If you couldn’t tell by the ads with smiley people and dance parties, Old Navy is aiming for a particular attitude. Old Navy is the place for clothes that are both fun and casual. This is not in any way an insult, they are always reliable. Their outfits are meant for a relaxed day with friends. Maybe your group is hanging at the park, or maybe you are at an arcade. You’re not alone at home so you still want to look presentable, but you are not trying to impress anyone so you do not have to be all dolled up. Not to mention, you can buy some great jeans at Old Navy. There are so many different cuts in many different colors. Jeans are the pants that serve many occasions and can match any shirt, and Old Navy can help you get the right pair. Old Navy has outfits that you can relax in while still having fun. Their clothes come in many bright colors and even though you won’t be going to a fancy dinner, you’ll still be having a great time in your outfit.
2. Forever 21
Get ready to look stylish in an outfit that your mother would never borrow. Forever 21 is a store that really lives up to its name. It is a clothing that is trendy for twenty one year olds, and their look is aimed to be achieved by sixteen year olds and twenty six year olds. A lot of crop tops and mini dresses will be found here. The outfits from this store are meant for going to a party or out clubbing. They usually do not have clothes for staying warm, so be mindful of that. Their clothes give off a youthful vibe that would be worn by the cool girls in a high school movie. While some clothing stores are more consistent, Forever 21 always tries to keep up with the trends. They see what young women want in order to look hot, and that is what they will supply. If you want to try to get someone’s attention with your looks, Forever 21 is the place to go. You can show off your figure with a cute outfit. If you care about fashion for young people and want a hot outfit for a night out, Forever 21 is the place to go.
3. Gap
This is a store that is able to perfectly combine being competent and being casual. Like its sister store Old Navy, Gap knows how to make comfortable clothes. However, Gap has a different market for its clothes. Old Navy shows off selling fun clothes for the family that you would wear at the park or somewhere similar. Gap has a more sophisticated vibe. They care about comfort, but they also want you to look well put together. You will find a good amount of blouses and chinos at Gap and they will come in a variety of colors. There are many types of everyday clothes at the Gap, and they will all make you feel confident. An outfit from the Gap would be nice to wear to school. This is where everyone can see you and that you are fashionable without dressing like you are going to a party. If you are not in school, a Gap outfit works for going out with friends to places like the mall or the movies. These outfits will not make you look like you are trying too hard, but you can still be your happy best self.
4. Urban Outfitters
Urban Outfitters is another one of those stores with an aim towards young people. The store is filled with colorful clothes that will make you stand out in a crowd. They give off a fun vibe that would fit perfectly in a music festival. The fact that this store sells records gives an idea of what they are trying to do. Most of the clothes are very unique, with a lot of summer dresses and funky tops. Their clothes make you want to party, or at least find a party to attend. While this makes up a lot of their stock they are also home to a lot of band t-shirts. These are intended for the people who want to show off their favorite old school band in a stylish way. This goes back to the idea that these clothes are meant for music festivals. If there are no festivals near you, wear Urban Outfitter’s colorful outfits out to a club or a wild party. Show off your cool outfit and get everyone’s eyes on you.
5. Free People
While the hippie lifestyle may not be a contemporary life, the style is still making waves. Free People has a free love atmosphere in the stores. With flowy dresses and flared pants, this store is bringing the boho look back. This does not mean that shopping at Free People will make you look like you were at a vintage store. The clothes are hippie inspired, but there are modern twists. They keep up with modern trends, like crop tops and straps. The overall look is for a flirty flower child. This type of look is great for when you show off how stylish you can be and want to show for someone that you like. Their clothes may be a little pricey, but that just means you should show them off when you want people to notice you. Wear a Free People outfit on a date, maybe to a nice restaurant, or even a concert. You probably shouldn’t wear these clothes if you are going to get dirty, so try to pick a clean date spot. The hippie style has been around for a long time, and it is Free People’s job to make sure you do it justice.
It is the 21st century and online shopping has taken the world by storm. ASOS is one of the most popular online exclusive stores out there. They are bringing a new outlet for fashion and they can help anyone find the perfect outfit. They keep up with the trends so whatever you buy from them will be hip with the times. There are fashionable blouses and well fitting t-shirts, as well as linen shorts and leggings. They see what young people want, and that’s what they sell. Even though you do not get to try it on in person, you know that the clothes will be available to purchase when you checkout online. Their outfits will be great for a day out in the city and a night out on the town. The clothes will show how you care about fashion and how you look. You do not have to leave your home anymore to buy clothes that make you look nice. ASOS’s extensive website will make sure that you have the outfits of your dreams. You will look great and everyone will see that you are really fashionable.
7. Macy’s
Being a department store, Macy’s can give people a variety of looks. From man to woman and from adult to child, a lot of outfits can be found at this store. That is what makes Macy’s so great. You can have fun with all of the options and craft many different looks. The whole store will find you something and if you are aiming for the junior’s section, you can definitely find some cute clothing. Most of their clothes are not too risque or revealing. At the same time, their clothes are not just plain clothes that you would wear around the house. These clothes will make you feel fashionable. Since this is a department store, Macy’s will give you so many brands to choose from. From high end to decently priced, you can figure out many different outfits. From first dates to big hangouts to movie nights, and any other occasion. Not to mention, there are a myriad of fancy dresses to choose from that can fit your style. If you have a prom or any other formal event coming up, Macy’s is the place to shop. Macy’s does not have one specific vibe which may seem overwhelming, but that just allows their styles to serve you in many ways.
8. Hot Topic
Have you ever wanted to look cute while showing off your interests? Hot Topic is where you can make that happen. The outfits you can get from this store are mostly based on pop culture. You can get t-shirts and pants that represent your favorite tv show, movie, band, and more. The store’s all black interior is a representation of the goth crowd that Hot Topic attracts. Not only do they sell pop culture clothing, but they also sell trendy clothing items with a gothic influence. You can wear their outfits to a convention of some kind, but you can also wear their trendy clothes out to a party. Maybe even on a first date, as the person should get a clear first impression of you from Hot Topic clothes. Outfits are supposed to be an expression of who you are, and what would be a better representation of who you are then showing off what entertains you. You can also show off the crowd you roll with by getting some goth/emo clothes. At Hot Topic, your outfit will be able to show off what you love and how you feel.