Sexual Health

What Kind Of Birth Control Options Are Right For You?

Whether you’re about to become sexually active for the first time or just want a refresher, we could all do with a reminder of what birth control options are out there.

Non hormonal methods.

1. Condoms Condoms Condoms- 98% effective when used correctly

The go to birth control options is when we think about birth control.  They’re one of the most effective birth control methods that there is as well as being super easy and convenient to buy from almost any corner store.

There’s a bunch of options including female condoms (or ‘in condoms’), fun condoms with flavoured lubricants or tingling effects and non latex condoms. They’re also the main preventative method for STIs (apart from Lambskin condoms! They’re only pregnancy preventative!)

2. Sponge / cap/ diaphragm paired with spermicide (eg gel/sheets) 60-90% effective when used correctly.

These devices work by blocking access to the cervix as well as well as breaking down the sperm.

They do have to be put in up to six hours before sex and left there for differing amounts of time but not longer than 24 hours- so spontaneous sex is out if these are your only birth control method.

3. Cooper Coil- 99% effective when used correctly

This small metal device goes inside your womb and releases copper which alters your cervical mucus and lasts 5-10 years dependent on brand. Negatives include painful insertion and periods there after.

4. Pulling out/ Rhythm Method –

Though frequently punch lines these two methods are at least more effective than nothing at all but hard to do effectively. They are most successfully practiced in conjunction with the other methods as they have a 15-28% failure rate

Hormonal Methods

Theres a range of positives due to their efficiently and relative ease to obtain, as well as some good side effects such as clearing up acne and ability to time your period. But with these birth control options it’s especially important to talk to your health care provider about possible negative side effects with increasing links being found between hormonal birth control and depression as well as less common but scary links to issues as bad as heart attacks or strokes.

They also don’t protect against STD’s so if any of your partners do or may potentially have an STD still always use condoms.

1. Pill 91-99% effective when used correctly

Probably the most common birth control options you’ve heard off and really the one that started it all off.  Positives are its none invasive or painful, negatives are its easy to forget to take as you have to every day as well all the potential side effects that come with hormonal birth control.

See Also

2. Patch 99% effective when used correctly

Change once every week and have a week off and sticks on your body in any place clothes don’t rub. Pros are it’s super convenient and non invasive/painful but cons are it can easily become unstuck rendering it ineffective and is somewhat of an eyesore as well as all  potential that comes with any hormonal birth control.

3. Injection 99% effective when used correctly

Though it’s not as difficult as remembering to take a pill every day you must get the injection every twelve weeks or it is ineffective. Other negatives center around fear or dislike of needles and well as all he potential side effects that come with hormonal birth control.

4. Implant 99% effective when used correctly

A small plastic rod inserted into your arm under the skin. Can last up to three years so you don’t have to remember anything regularly.  Potential negatives are the uncomfortablness of the procedure and  all the potential side effects that come with hormonal birth control.

5. Hormonal Coil 99% effective when used correctly

Like the copper coil but instead releases hormones and can last up to 5 years. Can be uncomfortable and invasive as well as all of the potential side effects of hormonal birth control.

Make sure to talk through your options with a professional health care provider and do your own research  about birth control options. Hopefully this has helped give you an overview of what might be right for you!

Featured Image: Weheartit
Katie Baker

I'm a triple water sign and that's about all you need to know about me.

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