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What I Love About Being A Sorority Big Sister

What I Love About Being A Sorority Big Sister

What I Love About Being A Sorority Big Sister

Being a big sister in a sorority comes with some responsibility. You have to guide you little, teach them about the organization and how chapter and events are run, and you have to be there for them. Of course, you don’t have to do any of these things, after all there are big and little relationships that don’t work out. But if you are becoming a big these are the things that you have to be able to do otherwise what is the point of getting a little? Yes, you can take cute pictures together and have a picture perfect relationship but that’s not what it’s all about. Here is What I Love About Being A Sorority Big Sister! Also, if you’re not a big yet, don’t worry your time will come and you’ll soon know how it feels.

1. I Get To Guide My Little

If your little ever has a question about how something in the chapter, whether it be a rule, a position or an event they can come to you for an answer. The big has been in the sorority for a while and has seen and experienced a lot more than her little. She can give her little personal advice on how to handle something, because she’s most likely been through it herself. This can go for greek life as well as personal life.


2. I’m Her Biggest Supporter

When things become hard for her it’s important that I tell her how much she’s loved and wanted. It can be tough if so many things and people are against you, sometimes you just need one person to to be by your side and that’s what I try to do as a big sister. Your a big sister, and best friend rolled into one you and your little have the most special bond in all of greek life.

3. I’m There Whenever She Needs Me

Being a big sister in a sorority doesn’t require you to be a shoulder if your little ever needs one to cry on but seeing someone you care about in pain is never an easy thing and so I’d rather be there than having them be alone. If they’re ever having a bad day you’re someone they can let all of their worries, sadness and frustrations out on, just remember you’re not their punching bag.


4. I’m Her Number One Fan

If your little ever gets her dream job, that chapter position she’s been working towards since joining or an A on an exam it’s important to cheer her on. Tell her to keep going and encourage her on the days she thinks she can’t do it. You probably want to see them succeed more than anyone else does so help them. Help them study for an exam, write a speech, or simply walk them to class if they don’t feel like going.

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5. I Help Her Stay On The Right Track

Being a big sister you sometimes have to set them straight. If she is doing something unsisterly you have to intervene and remind them of their values. It’s only because you love and care about them. Don’t let them stray away. You aren’t their parent but you also can’t let things continue to get worse too.


6. Our Bond Is Lifelong

My little will most likely be in my wedding, at my baby shower and any other major event in my life. It’s important to nourish your relationship with your little. You may get into fight and fall out of touch for a little while but the love you have for them will never go away.

Are you a big sister? What’s your favorite thing about being a big? Don’t forget to comment below!

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