What I Learned My First Time Getting Drunk

Like most people, I could say that the first time I got drunk I don’t really remember anything. But for me, this is not the case – I remember everything. While the story of my first time getting drunk starts off like any typical story of girls drinking – it ended with a few rules that have been embedded into my brain. So for all you drinking newbies out there, here is what I learned from my first time getting drunk.
Saturday – 5:00 PM
I was talking to two friends of mine that live in room 604. (For privacy sake, I will refer to one as Clarissa and the other as Neveah.) They asked what my plans were for the night and I simply said, “nothing,” to which they replied I should tag along with them. Knowing I was a newbie to the party scene (particularly drinking), Clarissa and Neveah wanted me to have the best night possible. Basically, they were going to be the older sisters showing me the ropes. I accepted their invitation, but I asked if my friends Kayla, Isabella, and Lauren could also tag along. They were more than excited for them to join especially because it created a great ratio.
Rule # 1:
Girls get in anywhere, but if there are guys in the group, there must be a greater majority of girls for them to get in. This is called a ratio.
Saturday – 10:30 PM
I planned to meet Clarissa and Neveah at Tropicana (the party) because they were leaving before me and my other friends. Kayla, Isabella, Lauren, and I got to the party around 10:30 pm. After being there for a little bit, we found our 2 “big sisters.” Not to much surprise, they were pretty tipsy, and we were not.
Side note: I have only been to one party before which was last weekend and I hardly drank (a whole other story).
Rule # 2:
ALWAYS pregame (or at least that is the party culture here).
Saturday – 11:00 PM
Probably thanks to their intoxicated state, Clarissa and Neveah completely forgot that we were super-duper newbies. They told us to go dance while they went to get us alcohol. The place was really crowded, but we managed to make our way to the dance floor. It was a weird sight, especially being sober, seeing people from our classes that we never imagined would party.
After only being there for 30 minutes, Lauren mentioned that two of her friends were at a kickback and they said we could come. So we ditched Tropicana and walked another 30 minutes to what ended up being the best part I have ever attended, to this very day.
Rule # 3:
Never walk by yourself.
We walked to these apartments that I have never heard of before. One of Lauren’s friends met us outside. We’ll call him Jose. He led us to the apartment that was clearly popping. I met Lauren’s other friend, Mason. We went to the kitchen and Jose gave us our first shot.
Rule # 4:
Never let a stranger make your drinks.
Luckily, Jose didn’t do anything to our drinks. In fact, to this very day, he still makes my drinks. After the rush of my very first shot of my life, I was ready for more. A few drinks later, I realized the party I was at was an apartment full of foreign exchange students. I knew Mason was British because of his accent, and I was getting to know him while we were there. I remember a guy coming up to my friends and I, introducing himself as Shawn, gently grabbing each of my friends hands and kissing the back of it. We soon realized he was German.
Later, I was introduced to about four French people, a few Asians, and one Spanish student. At one point in the night, Shawn ran up to Mason speaking French. Mason was very confused and said, “Dude, wrong country.” He ran off to find a French student.
Saturday/Sunday – Unsure
At this point of the night (or morning), I was pretty drunk, so I drank a crap load of water. Lauren has a high tolerance, so she didn’t need to worry about anything. Kayla and Isabella on the other hand, were so drunk, there was no way we were going back to the dorms. When we were leaving the party, Isabella started getting emotional about how much she misses her dog and her blankie. Jose had to support Kayla up since she could barely stand. We eventually got to Jose and Mason’s apartment, where Jose realized he locked his bedroom door with the keys inside. He had Mason kick the door open which left an ugly look on the door frame AND Jose’s face, once he realized he was going to have to pay for that.
Rule #5:
Drink water.
We all hung out in their kitchen and had really great conversations. A little later, I went to the bathroom with Kayla and Isabella. While Isabella was peeing, she came clean about a lot of feelings towards me.
Side note: Isabella and I were really close when we first moved here, but then we stopped being friends for about a month. This was the night we reestablished our friendship.
I remember Kayla being super quiet to let me and Isabella have our moment, but when she said one random thing, I snapped. I snapped at her so badly, she got up and just left, super butthurt.
Rule #6:
Alcohol isn’t an excuse to be a bitch.
Sunday – Again, unsure
I couldn’t tell you what time it was, but finally we all went to bed. Kayla slept on the couch and Lauren, Isabella and I slept in Jose’s bed with me spooning Isabella to make sure she didn’t fall off the bed. At this point, I was completely sober and tired.
Sunday – 9:00 AM
We left around 9 in the morning to go back to the dorms. This was my friend’s first ever walk of shame. I experienced mine the weekend before. This one was worse because we had to walk a really long way and more people saw us. Luckily, I didn’t know the person that worked the front desk of my dorm, otherwise that would have been super embarrassing.
Walk of shame: Coming back home in the clothes you went out in yesterday and your hair and makeup is a complete mess.
Rule #7:
The earlier you can start your walk of shame; the better. Less people will be out and about in the early morning always, aka less people to see you stumbling back to your room.
After this experience, the party culture is something I’m comfortable with. It is something I was never pressured into, nor feel pressured into now. No one should feel pressured into doing anything they don’t want to do. My first time getting drunk did leave me with a few takeaways, though, that have helped me ease into the party scene – and will hopefully help you to as well!
“I don’t get drunk, I get awesome” – Every Drunk Person
Featured image source: lifedaily.com
Leilani Alva, 17, is currently a freshman at California State University, Chico. She is an Agriculture major with an option in Education in hopes to become an Future Farmers of America high school teacher. She is obsessed with tea and socks as well as loving to hang out with her friends.