
What I Learned From Rachel And Ross’ Relationship

Friends has always been so close to my heart; I watch it when I’m sad, mad or happy. My favourite couple are Rachel and Ross and I’ve compiled a list of things their relationship has taught me over the years.

Friendship Means Everything

Rachel and Ross get together, break up, get together, break up and so on and so on but the one thing that doesn’t change is their friendship. They have their ups and downs (especially when Ross cheated and he did cheat people!) but ultimately they are always there for one another. That’s true friendship when you can set aside your feelings for another person’s happiness. They are a true masterpiece of a couple.

Soul mates

I believe in soul mates and part of that is thanks to Rachel and Ross’ relationship. They break up but they find their way back to each other in the end, through all the ups and downs. That’s true love. They will always be together, no matter what their relationship status is.

As Phoebe says, they’re lobsters and they mate for life. They are a real representation of a couple; their relationship isn’t perfect, no one’s is, but they go through so much together and that’s what matters. They don’t just get together because they have Emma or they’re lonely. They will always have feelings for each other.

Things Don’t Happen Like They Do In The Movies

Nothing happens in order for Rachel and Ross; they get married in Vegas, divorced, they have Emma and then they get together. They don’t get engaged, married and then have a kid. They are a true couple with real issues. It’s okay to do things differently – we aren’t living in the Stone Age and have to have a ring on our finger to have sex.

You Don’t Have To Realize Straight Away

Everyone says it’s “Love at first sight” or “You’ll know when you meet the one” but that’s not true for Rachel and Ross. Ross liked Rachel in college but she didn’t like him back, they then date backwards and forwards and Ross gets remarried. It’s not always clear who “the one” is and that’s okay. You don’t have to have everything figured out straight away.

See Also

Nothing Is Simple

If anything, Ross and Rachel taught me that relationships aren’t as simple as everyone makes them out to be. They take a lot of time and hard work. You have to listen to your partner – don’t just sleep with a chick when you hear Mark in the background. You have to work for what you want.

Don’t Take Them For Granted

What I’ve learnt from Rachel is to not take what I have for granted (like she does when Ross sends love bugs and singers to her office for attention). You aren’t guaranteed anything in life so spend time with your partner and don’t take what they do for you, for granted.  They might not be there if you keep pushing them away, so make time for one another. Just don’t send singers to your girlfriend’s office.

Never Say You Are On A Break

Finally, the most important lesson that I’ve learned from Rachel and Ross’ relationship is to never say that you’re on a break. It’s the worst thing you could ever do to a person. Don’t crush them with hopes and promises you can’t keep. And never sleep with someone straight after saying you’re on a break. Get some frozen yogurt and talk.

We hope you enjoyed this list and let us know what you learned from Rachel and Ross’ relationship in the comments!
Main image: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/373235887844222051/
Vada Green

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