What I Learned From Freshman Orientation At Virginia Tech

As my parents and I drove down to Virginia Tech for my freshman orientation, I was really nervous. My palms were sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti. I came back home two days later with nothing but excitement. Why? Here’s what I learned from Freshman Orientation at Virginia Tech!
1. Hokie Spirit knows no limits.
After hearing a few opening speeches from the Virginia Tech staff, including the Student Body President, the tone changes. The lights dim, high energy music starts to play, and 30 pumped orientation leaders run in from the back doors screaming. Let me rephrase that…SCREAMING. All of my fellow-orientees turned to each other and said a mix of “I love this!!!”, “Where do they get all of this energy from?”, and “I want whatever they have”.
2. Everyone is really, REALLY nice.
Tired of having people two steps in front of you not hold the door open for you? That doesn’t happen at Tech. Even if you’re a painfully awkward distance away, the Hokie in front of you will hold it open for you. Students won’t roll their eyes at you if you ask for directions. People will reach out to you and offer to help you or answer any questions you may have. You will have no choice but to feel welcomed!
3. The campus is huge, but it’s not an impossible trek.
The campus spans 2,600 acres, or 4.1 square miles. Even if you have to cross the Drillfield between classes, you’ll get there in no time. Just fill up on the good Blacksburg eating and put one foot in front of the other!
4. Diversity is everywhere.
My orientation leader pointed out something that I hadn’t really thought about. Diversity goes deeper than the color of your skin, what state you’re from, or what language you speak. People in my orientation group came from big schools and small schools, participated in everything from sports to National Honor Society to yearbook, and had varying interests (lots of Animal and Poultry Science majors, though!). Even though everyone in the group was so different, we all clicked pretty well.
5. The education you will receive is incredible.
Every student has to complete the Curriculum for Liberal Education, which includes seven areas of study that cover math/science, writing, other cultures, music, and so much more. While completing these requirements, you can still find classes and electives that tailor to your interests. Whether it’s Astronomy or Nations and Nationalities, you’ll be in the hands of intelligent professors who will give you knowledge that will last a lifetime.
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Featured Image: weheartit.com
Alexandra Smith is majoring in Psychology, with a minor in Creative Writing. In her free time, she enjoys running, hanging out with family friends, and roaming the world with her camera in hand.