What Exactly Happens During FSU Recruitment

Every year FSU is flooded with a new population that takes over campus for one eventful week, FSU recruitment. This week also known as rush week is when thousands of girls go through the process of potentially finding a home within one of the 17 houses offered here at Florida State. Even though one is not guaranteed a spot legacies and first generations alike prep and wish for the best come bid day. Keep reading to find out what exactly happens during FSU sorority recruitment.
Early bird special!
FSU recruitment starts through registration or let’s say pre-registration. That’s the first thing to do that will already give you the advantage when deciding to go through fall rush here at FSU. Not only does this give you a discounted registration cost but also you’ll receive a smaller potential new member number commonly number known as PNM #. This might seem like a small detail but come rush week it’ll be most appreciated when your spot in the line will always be in front of a fan and under a tent rather than standing in the back where the suns gaze can reach you.
Prepare to talk & take notes.
Separated into 4 rounds, excluding bid day, days during FSU recruitment can have you up and about for over 11 hours. Starting with the Scholarship round this initial stage conducted during the Monday and Tuesday are when you get the first impression of each of the 17 houses and they get a first impression of you. Each house lasts 20 minutes and gives you the ability to get your general impression of the individual sorority before going to the next. On Wednesday and Thursday the Investment round takes place and now are segmented into 30 minute intervals between a maximum of 13 chapters.
What this implies is that each sorority will talk financials, which can’t be discussed outside the house unless you’re talking to either your Rho Gam or family. During the third round Service & Leadership is introduced. The once 30 minute rounds turn to 40 and the discussion of philanthropy and leadership opportunity are revealed for a max of 8 chapters. Lastly on Friday the Sisterhood round is enacted which are the longest and most personal level of interaction. Here your top three choices will give you more of a one on one feel that focuses on their core aspects of sorority life.
Sweating is inevitable.
This is just a fact. Rush week even though conducted during the fall semester is still held in the summer months and Tallahassee is known to get uncomfortably hot. Prepare yourself for this, wear something breathable with waterproof makeup, and think about investing in a fan.
You will get hungry and thirsty.
Starting fall rush of 2016 water bottles where included within the string backpacks for potential new members. It might be seem small but when the humidity and sun come out during these days that can last up to 12 hours staying hydrated and fed can help keep you going.
It’s better to be early than late.
One of the most stressed rules during rush week is that you always have to be punctual. If you arrive late to a scheduled house I’m sorry but that’s the end of the road for you. Tips for this is to wear a watch and comfortable shoes. If you decide that heels are worth it pack a small pair of flats just in case, you’ll thank yourself later. Also get used to where all the houses are located this will help you tremendously when you’re sprinting from Sigma Delta Tau to Kappa Alpha Theta in less than 15 minutes.
Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
This might seem a bit discouraging but you will on occasion see girls crying into their friends or Rho Gam’s arms during FSU recruitment. Even though it is best to look into the process with a positive mind be aware that the house you have your heart set on might not give you a bid. The Panhellenic process keeps this in mind and trains their Rho Gamma’s the right way to console and talk to PNM’s during this time.
All in all this process can be very rewarding and can give you sisters for life but if you don’t receive a bid from the house of your dreams don’t be discouraged. Greek life is just a small part of what Florida State has to offer it’s students and if you’re still feeling like you want to be a part of it you can try again come Spring semester for a more relaxed format of rush.
For information regarding what to wear click here.
Featured photo source: totalfratmove.com

Tara Lawson-Corley is a junior at Florida State University. Her major is Retail Merchandising & Product Development with the goal of someday working for a fitness driven retail company such as ADIDAS or LuluLemon. Hopefully later on she will be able to own her own successful fitness boutique or at least that's the dream. Tara enjoys the occasional Netflix binge, reading numerous fashion magazines, and finding new and exciting ways to workout.