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What Fashion Trends To Avoid This Labor Day

What Fashion Trends To Avoid This Labor Day

The most exciting day of the year is almost here! Labor Day! Just kidding, I know most people don’t care (or know) much about the holiday coming up on September 7th this year. But despite the holiday’s widely-known purpose as ‘the start of the school year (or sometimes the first day off)’, it’s actually a pretty important holiday- dedicated to the “social and economic achievements of American workers”. 

This Labor Day might look a little different for most of us, though. Given the social distancing restrictions, rules about congregating, and many public places still being closed, the typical day of celebrations just won’t be the same.

But whether you’re (safely) hanging with family or chilling by yourself at a nearby park, labor day fashion trends still remain a super fun way to celebrate. However, there are also some trends to avoid. Here are three fashion trends to avoid this Labor Day, and some to try, too!


Before we begin, it’s important to note that fashion “trends” are diminishing by the moment. The industry is becoming more and more individualistic, so what’s “in” versus what’s “out” isn’t so easily differentiated anymore. Plus, we should all have the chance and encouragement to wear whatever we want and whatever makes us feel confident. So whatever Labor Day outfit you chose will be great, but in case you’re unsure of what to wear, here are a few fashion trends you might want to be weary of this year… 

1. Hyper-Americana

Labor Day, Fourth of July, Memorial Day… all holidays that allow places like Old Navy to make bank on those American Flag shirts. Sure those tees were fun when we were young. But like 2020’s Fourth of July- when many decided to wear black instead of red, white and blue to support the Black Lives Matter movement, it’s very important to be cognizant of what we are wearing this Labor Day. Sometimes stepping away from the American flag is an okay way to show your support for movements and citizens not being recognized by the American government and other American institutions. 

This year,  an excess of American flags on your shirt can be swapped for a white and blue stripe, or maybe a pair of red shorts or something else to stay festive while standing strong against the injustices of our country right now. Of course you can still celebrate the day with some vibrant colors if that’s your favorite way to celebrate. But just remember that everything we wear says something to the rest of the world. 


(for example, this ultra- (literally) America outfit just might have to be passed up on this year:/)

2.  Shirt or Scarf?

This fashion trend is one that can go very good or very bad depending on how it’s worn and for what occasion. The shirt-as-a-scarf fashion trend has given people the chance to let loose this year by changing up their typical top wardrobe. But because Labor Day celebrations are often filled with things like cornhole and other outside games, the scarf-shirt might be a bit risky. If you want to, try something you’ll be more comfortable and mobile in instead! A nice short sleeve or tank can be just as cute and fashionable as the scarf. Plus you won’t be scared that it’ll fly up for a nice ~show~ when throwing that corn hole bag!


3. Sweats

Don’t get me wrong… sweats are God’s gift to Earth. If I could wear them every day I would. But after months and months of sitting in sweats through quarantine, maybe it’s time to switch it up a bit. A Labor Day celebration, even a picnic-for-one in the park, is a fun little event to dress up for. A cute summer outfit- maybe a tube top and some festive striped shorts?- would be the perfect substitute for that pair of sweats you’ve been living in! 

On a more positive note, here are some Labor Day Fashion Trends to TRY!:

1. Fun Sunglasses

Fun glasses is a trend that has been around for a bit now. And what better way to put your spin on it than a summer party? Sunglasses are another piece of fashion that have lost quite a bit of their trendiness depending on the shape, and gained popularity in allowing wearers to totally customize. Big circles, long and narrow rectangles, stars, aviators… the list of sunglass trends is all over the boards right now. So grab a pair that feel comfy and fun to you and go enjoy your day in the sun!

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2. Neon

Whoever said you have to wear red, white and blue for Labor Day never saw 2020 neon. Neon is one of the strongest upcoming trends this year, so you better get to wearing it for the last summer party of 2020! Labor Day will be the perfect time to celebrate with some super bright colors and show off just how much fun you’re having in the sun! From pinks to yellows to blues, the neon phenomenon this year is taking over. If you’re looking for a way to stand out and make a fashion statement this Labor Day, the neon fashion trend is totally your way to go. Try a neon dress or even some neon shorts! 


3. Accent Colors

Due to the fact that you might not want to dress in that ‘Hyper-Americana’ I talked about before, a fun way to add some festivity to your outfit could be through accent colors. Instead of a bright read, white and blue ensemble, try a pair of red shoes instead. That way you can stay classy and cute while adding a bit of subtle celebration to your look. 

Labor Day is a great excuse to finally dress up for something this year. Though it’s not your typical fancy-dresses celebration, a fun outfit can make this otherwise stressful year a bit more fun for just a day! But, of course, wear that fancy dress if you’re up for it! Whether you opt for the typical American color scheme, something a little more bright, fun accessories or something totally different, let this last summer celebration be yours with whatever fashion trend you choose.


What fashion trend is your favorite for summer holidays? Plan on trying any of above? Let us know in the comments below!

*Featured image (with those accent colors mentioned above!) thanks to The Zoe Report!