What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At San Diego State University

At San Diego State University, Greek life plays a huge role on campus. Approximately 15% of students on campus are involved in Greek life, but what does it really take to get in to these social networks? Here is an insider scoop of what exactly happens during sorority recruitment at San Diego State University, and it’s not nearly as glamorous as you may think.
1. Rush Groups
When you are signed up for sorority recruitment you will first be put in to a group of about 20 girls, led by a disaffiliated member of Greek life. You will be with these girls through most of the grueling process to come, and will bond over nerves and sore feet.
2. Dress for Success
As much as your group leader will tell you not to focus on what you’re wearing, you will be highly stressed about your clothing choice. Let’s be real, what you wear will have an impact on your recruitment process, so make sure you’re looking cute.
3. Your Feet Will Hurt
Wearing heels for hours on end for a week will take a toll on your feet. Pro tip, wear sandals/sneakers to walk around in, then throw them in your bag and change in to your heels when you get to the house. You’re welcome.
4. Melting Makeup
Recruitment is always on the single hottest week of the year, so be prepared for your face to literally be melting right off of you. Stash some powder and blotting sheets in your bag for quick touch ups before going in to a house.
5. Gruesome Small Talk
“So what major are you” will become the most common phrase you will hear the entire week. You will be asked the same generic questions, “where are you from,” “what dorm do you live in,” “why did you decide to go through recruitment” so much that you will have your answer down to a memorized short monologue.
6. Awkward Conversation
With the wide variety of people involved in Greek life, you are bound to have some pretty awkward conversations. Don’t bring up other houses, partying, or the frat boy you just hooked up with when you’re in a particular house because it will only make things incredibly awkward for both you and the girl recruiting you.
7. Nerves Work Both Ways
It’s incredibly nerve wracking to have a conversation with a random girl who is judging your future in Greek life, but just remember that everybody gets nervous. The girl who is recruiting you is just as, if not even more, nervous to talk to you. Just relax, and as much as you want to be the image you think a house is looking for, it’s always much better to be who you are. Things always work out!
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Featured photo source: weheartit.com and tumblr.com
SDSU student with the insider scoop.