Campus Life

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At UTD

One of the most daunting journeys after you’ve accepted your college admission is what happens during orientation. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE at UT Dallas marks their calendars for ‘Welcome Week’ because the goodies that are involved are something to get excited about. Welcome Week is a celebration at UT Dallas for everyone not just freshman, so first years do not fear because you will be in good company. Don’t miss out and take note of the following tidbits you need to know for freshman orientation at UTD.

1. Know your finances.

If you’re going to skip any one of the lectures make sure that you DO NOT skip the one about finances—which will include a talk about how to apply and or be eligible to some scholarships that are for freshman.

2. Campus Tour!

Since the campus has been in a perpetual construction zone a tour of campus is a major key to success. During this tour make sure to ask questions. The guide has been prepped to let you know of any specific shortcuts and or tricks to find your class safely and on time.

3. Food is everywhere.

There will be food all week long. The restaurants located on-campus will most likely be running specials and the administration and student council runs events throughout campus that have catering. In the evening the auditorium will have movie and more pizza than you can eat.

4. Course selection AND class registration.

Selecting your classes is not the same as registering for that class! Select and then register you’ll be able to see classes you’ve registered for in the ‘My Classes’ tab on the Galaxy portal. While a majority of classes fill up fast have your pick when you register early, but be prepared with eligible backup classes just in case.


5. Mingle with classmates.

Don’t be shy to introduce yourself. Know that UT Dallas is a place where you can embrace your uniqueness and be yourself. During Welcome Week it is imperative to meet your peers and make new friends.

6. Meet advisors!

Schedule some time in the beginning to meet and talk to your advisors, especially if you’re double majoring across disciplines (i.e. Engineering and Psychology). Also know that if you did not make an appointment they’ll see you when they see you. So schedule away and breathe easy.

7. Get your parking decal.

Make sure you get that parking decal asap! But beware that just because you have a decal it will not guarantee you a spot. You’ve been warned.

8. Get your badge.

Having a UT Dallas badge grants you a few wishes—such as discounts at several local eateries and more through the Comet Discount Program.

9. Be savvy.

During orientation you will learn of the many programs UT Dallas offers its students. Being a UT Dallas student has its great benefits—you can receive free career advice, free financial advice through their many brown bag lectures, as well as free attorney services.

See Also

10. Set up your NetID!

Help is provided on how to set up your NetID and your access to the Galaxy portal, where you can select and register for classes, pay tuition, and check scholarship status, and Econnect where you can see your classes and assignments.


11. Hello roommate!

Meeting your roommate during welcome week gives you an opportunity to get to know each other and bond.

12. It’s going to be okay.

You’re going to be okay. Yes, you might be away from home or a road warrior if you’re commuting, but you’ve got this. The next four years are going to be for the books—literally.

13. On campus dining.

No one likes surprises when it comes to food. So take time ask people questions about the best on-campus dining options as well as nearby off-campus options.

Are you excited for freshman orientation at UTD? Share any questions or tips you have in the comments below!
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Rosario Rosales

Rosario is a Dallas based writer who enjoys a good cup of coffee and nice slice of cheese. She is writing a Young Adult Fantasy novel. When she's not writing she does yoga and bakes intricate pastries.

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