What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At SUNY Cortland

If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for some advice for attending your freshman orientation at SUNY Cortland. So first, let me congratulate you on a marvelous choice for a college! This means you’ve chosen to brave the cold winters, the hills and the ice-creamed sidewalks. Hopefully this article will give you a heads-up for your orientation along with some peace of mind.
1. You get a taste of college life. Not really, but kind of.
If you’re like I was and will attend orientation alone, don’t be scared. I was terrified, but also loved the idea of a test-run of college life. I didn’t have my parents tagging along so it was kind of like I was already there for the real thing. If I may suggest one thing, attending your orientation alone may be the best thing for you right now. You need to see how you do away from home at your school before you go so you can make adjustments as needed to feel more comfortable there. If your parents are there with you, you won’t act as you would without them there. Attending orientation alone gave me the sense of freedom I needed before I left home. Plus, you won’t see your parents much anyways. The orientation is for you, not them.
2. You get to meet your roommate! (Hopefully.)
If you’re a perfectionist like I am, you always want things to be perfectly planned out and concrete. As soon as I met my roommate (Kat) through the Facebook group, we hit it off immediately! Much to everyone’s surprise I think, she’s my best friend now. I don’t know where I would be without her. Anyways, we requested to live with each other for our freshman year and here we are. She and I happen to be the same major which is so nice! When they released the orientation dates, we got on the SUNY Cortland website and compared the dates for our major and then narrowed it down so we both were free that time and voila! I 100% recommend scheduling the same orientation date as your roommate (unless you are going in random!) Having Kat there with me was much better than trying to navigate by myself.
3. Yes, you are forced to play embarrassing and awkward icebreakers.
This one is not a myth. If you have an older sibling or friend that’s in college or already attended college, I’m sure they’ve told you the horrors of orientation games. Let me prepare you for the worst. Your group at orientation will be your major group, so don’t use your major as your “fun fact” when they ask. When playing most of the games your OA (Orientation Assistant) forces you to, you will have to list some sort of fun fact about yourself. It’s going to happen no matter how much you’re dreading it.
One game involves all of the students in a circle with one student in the middle. The student in the middle says something that applies to them like “I am wearing blue.” Then, anyone that is wearing any sort of blue must run and change spots with another person in the circle. The one person that is left without a spot must be the next person in the middle of the circle, then he will say something and so on. Here’s a little tip if you get caught in the middle: say something really common so that many people will be running for a spot. This way you will have more options available to you and won’t be struggling to switch with only Suzy Lee and Jimmy John because you said “I have an extra toe on my right foot.” Stick to something like “I have a dog.”
4. They roll out the red carpet in the dining halls just for students attending orientation.
This is a trick by the college and I’ve got to hand it to them. Well played, ASC. Well played. Your meals while you’re on campus for orientation will be super nice and plentiful. You will have a buffet for almost every single one. French toast sticks, bagels, bacon, sausage, etc. These will not all be available every day. Take advantage of it! Most days you will be stuck with a burger bar and while it may seem appetizing to you burger lovers (like myself), it does get boring. Just remember that you will not have these same foods every single day!
5. You’re going to sit through a lot of programs.
You will have a lot of programs on the agenda for while you’re on campus. This means a lot of sitting. BUT. You need to go to these programs!! Some may seem boring, but they’re all so helpful! The reason you are at orientation is to learn about the policies and rules, the expectations and the support you will be offered. So, as tempting as it may be, don’t go sneak off with your parents or friend you just met. Sit down, enjoy the lovely refreshment table outside of the Corey Function Room and actually learn something. You’re paying for it!
6. The weather may change, but it will most likely be HOT.
Oh, boy. I attended my freshman orientation at the beginning of July and it was HOT. I mean, uncomfortably hot. So, bring cool and comfy clothing to wear. This includes sneakers! You will be doing a lot of walking outside and blisters during orientation? No, thank you.
7. It will be sticky and gross.
Looking to #6, hot=sweaty=disgusting and uncomfortable. You are going to want to shower, trust me. It feels so nice after a long hot day. Also, a fan may be a necessity when packing. The dorms you are placed in do not have air conditioning and when keeping the window open just won’t cut it due to lack of a breeze, you’ll be thankful you brought a fan with you.
8. Staying on top of drinking plenty of water.
Staying hydrated during your orientation is so important. Drink plenty of water; it’s always offered during your entire orientation so take advantage of it! You don’t want to end up dehydrated because that can cause a lot of problems that could be avoided easily if you just drank water.
9. Your introduction to the college.
During this time, you will be addressed by many of your superiors. Be respectful of everyone you meet or are listening to. Whether it’s the President of the college, director of Residence Life and Housing or your OA, give them your undivided attention and respect. They are there to help you and guide you. They are also trying to make your transition into college life as smooth as possible.
10. Lots of fun!
You will be exhausted by the end of your first day at orientation. Just wait until the end of orientation. You will have done so much running around and learning, you will be fried. Rest up beforehand so you will be energetic and ready to take on SUNY Cortland! I hope you found this article helpful in preparing you for your freshman orientation. Go Red Dragons!
Are you excited for freshman orientation at SUNY Cortland? Comment below.
Featured photo source: instagram.com
small-town writer with big dreams.