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What Every RMIT Student Needs To Know Before They Graduate

What Every RMIT Student Needs To Know Before They Graduate

Attention RMIT student! Are you counting down to your graduation? So you’ve chased your dreams, near completing your degree or diploma and now wondering where to next from here? As a past RMIT student, here’s my quick guide on all you need to know, before graduating.

1. You Need To Apply To Graduate And Be Approved

For that RMIT student who thought entering your final year gives you an automatic seat at the graduation ceremony, you’re wrong! At RMIT, you need to apply to graduate, and your application needs to be approved before the cut off date. Just log in to your MYRMIT account, select my student record, graduate details and then press apply to graduate/change graduation details. RMIT students have two options when graduating, you can either choose to attend the graduation ceremony or apply to graduate in absentia, meaning your Degree or Diploma will be sent to your home address.


2. Dropping By The Job Shop Is A Must

For many students employment straight out of uni is the ideal goal! RMIT’S job shop is dedicated to providing students with job resources. As a current RMIT student, you have free access, with a further six-month extension after graduation. All staff is trained in writing resumes, cover letters and other job-related skills, and are more than happy to give you some tips and feedback. Along with this, the RMIT job shop provides students with a number of workshops, covering vital skills valued in today’s workforce. But, If you’re short on time, they even provide a student drop-in service.

3. Build Up Those RMIT Student Credentials To Graduate With A Digital Foot Print Of Achievements

In a fast-growing digital world what better way to graduate than leaving with a digital footprint of university-approved achievements. As a current RMIT student, you can create your own digital portfolio. All you have to do is enroll yourself online into a credential, then achieve the requirements of that credential and earn yourself a digital badge. As an RMIT student, this is an amazing graduate resource as you can socially share these badges to future employees, whereby information about these credentials is available, including university supported evidence that verifies your achievement.


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4. Do That Short Course If Its Going To Get You That Dream Job

If there’s a specific job your aspiring to do within your field but you feel that your degree or diploma alone won’t make you a stand out applicant, this is the time to be looking at advertised jobs and their desirable employee skills that could be gained in one of RMIT short courses. RMIT University offers a 15 percent discount on their selected short courses to an RMIT student currently enrolled and alumni. So if this is the make or break of your unique career, go for it now!


5. RMIT Keeps You Connected With Your Alumni, Even After Graduating 

For an RMIT student about to enter the workforce, networking is the key. Past students can now stay connected with other RMIT graduates in their aspiring workforce via a social media platform. Once you graduate you will receive a text with the link to sign up, once signed up you can create your own profile, sharing a little bit about yourself, search people in your course, add or create interest groups and even choose a mentor in your career field. A pretty useful resource to form industry relationships and stay connected.

So there you have it, RMIT student. Think I’ve left something out and want to add to the list? Comment your ideas below to inspire other soon to be RMIT student graduates, just like you!

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