Categories: Fashion & Beauty

What Color Prom Dress You Should Wear Based On Your Zodiac Sign

For all you high schoolers out there, prom is approaching fast! It’s important to be fully prepared for it. Prom is going to be one of those nights that you are going to remember for the rest of your life. There are going to be an endless amount of pictures and videos taken, so you’ll need a killer dress that makes you feel like the best version of yourself. If you are already on the search for your own prom dress, here are some suggestions for what color it should be based on your zodiac sign!


Aries are spirited, fiery, and endlessly enthusiastic. Your prom should be nothing less than full of fun and full of spirit, so you should have been wearing a dress that reflects that! Red is the perfect color for every Aries out there if you want to blow away the crowd at prom. Red is one of the most flattering colors out there and lets the world know that you are ready for a good and wild time!


Ah yes, the loving and gentle Taurus. Prom is one of those nights that I’m sure you will be doing your best to ensure all of your friends are having the greatest time of their lives, but also making sure they are being safe and careful. Try and remember that tonight is also about you! For your prom dress color, I would highly suggest the color pink. Not only is pink Tauruses spirit color, but it will also reflect how loving and kind you are.


Geminis are one of the most expressive and creative signs in the zodiac. Most Geminis I know are also extremely organized and prepared. If you are wanting to ensure that you have your dress picked out and ready for your prom night way in advance, try looking for something green! Green is classy, bold, and will compliment any skin tone!


Cancers are spirited beings and have an endless amount of sympathy and empathy for all living creatures. That’s what makes them so special and simply out of this world, which means you need an out of this world color for your prom dress! Silver is the color of the shining stars above us, and for your prom, you deserve to feel like one! Make sure you pick something that has plenty of sparkles in it though!


For a Leo, prom is the night to fully let out that endless amount of humor and passion. We all know that Leos are one of the most cheerful signs in the zodiac, so the color of your dress should reflect that fun energy they all hold inside. Orange is zesty and unexpected, as well as one of the many fiery colors their zodiac sign aligns with.


For the most part, Virgos aren’t the best at taking the lead in social situations and don’t particularly enjoy being the center of attention. But for prom, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself and shy away from the limelight! In order to stand out subtly but beautifully among the crowd this year, wearing a lavender dress should do the trick.


The color burgundy is classy and stylish, a color that every Libra should consider wearing to their prom given how practical and safe they usually are. I know it can be hard to get over that initial shyness sometimes, but prom is the night to truly let yourself go and bask in your own beauty. Trying on a burgundy dress should make you feel sexy and comfortable in your own skin. Do yourself a favor and give it a shot if you have no idea what color dress you should be wearing yet. Remember, prom only happens once a year!


We all know black is slimming and never fails to look great on everyone. Granted, not everyone is brave enough to wear such color to their very own prom. But Scorpios sure are! I’ve never met a Scorpio that isn’t completely fearless enough to accomplish anything. They enjoy being the center of attention, and for prom, they completely should be! Prom is a night that should be remembered for the ages, and wearing a stunning black dress should help concrete the memory.

See Also


Gold is elegant, regal, and most importantly sparkly! Perfect for any Sagittarius ready to dance the night away. You’ll be the brightest person at prom if you chose this color, and being that most Sagittariuses are extroverts, that should be just the thing you need in order to have a prom you’ll remember for the ages. That, and gold is probably the best color to be wearing when the lights go dim at prom for those slow dances.


I know, white may not seem like the most festive color for prom, but trust me, white is the perfect color to wear for all Capricorns out there. White will make anyone look like a newfound goddess, and Capricorns are just that being how connected with the earth and people around them.


Aquariuses are known for being widely independent and run on emotional expression, which is why blue is just the right color for this sign to wear to prom! Blue represents wisdom, depth, and intelligence, all traits that coincide with an Aquariuses personality perfectly. You can never go wrong with the color blue. There multiple hues that will compliment every body-type out there.


Pisces are creatures moved by compassion and art. They’re also widely ruled by the element of water. As far as I’m concerned, any color associated with the sea would be a great fit for a Pisces, but I believe the color coral is the ultimate perfect choice, especially for a night as special as prom! The color coral is a uniquely beautiful color that will compliment a Pisces playful spirit.

What did you think of these prom dress colors? Have you already picked out your prom dress? Let us know in the comments below!

Images via
Laura Mauter

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