What Brooklyn Nine-Nine Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac

Brooklyn Nine Nine is a classic and everyone wants to know who they’d be irl. So here’s which character you’d be, based on your zodiac.
Aries: Madeline Wuntch
Wunch is a really bold and intense leader, and doesn’t back down from a challenge no matter how small. As an Aries, you need to be in control of everything, just like Wunch, and you also pack a pretty solid punch in the insult department.
Taurus: Hitchcock
Being really unflexible is the cornerstone of Hitchcock’s character, and Tauruses are the most unflexible of the zodiac! Never wanting to switch up routine and staying exactly where he believes he should be (despite everyone telling him differently) is pretty on point, as is the loyalty he has for his bff, Scully.
Gemini: Doug Judy
Geminis, like Doug Judy, are mysteries. His intelligence and wit make him uncatchable by any character on the show, but his charisma makes him a staple of every season. Because of his unpredictable personality, like Geminis, Judy is hard to pinpoint and become friends with, but they’re loyal to who they love.
Cancer: Charles Boyle
Charles Boyle is the MOST Cancer character in existence. Being the most sensitive and emotionally intune of the team is exactly why Boyle is the glue of the group, much like Cancers, who bring all the zodiac signs together. Also, Boyle definitely lives to please others, which is on point for Cancers.
Leo: Jake Peralta
Now, you’d think we would pick Gina but hear us out: being a natural born leader and attention seeker, Jake is the ultimate Leo. He craves admiration but is also never afraid to step up on big things at work and in life, sometimes without any recognition at all. He also, like Leos, has a huge heart.
Virgo: Amy Santiago
Amy is extremely driven, focused and clean-cut, just like Virgos. Amy seeks affirmation from her superiors, which Virgos also crave a lot as well. Amy can also be over-analytical and overthinking at times, which Virgos can definitely relate to.
Libra: Sgt. Terry Jeffords
Although Boyle is the glue of the group, Terry just ties everyone together. He’s the settler of arguments, hitter of truths, and the biggest source of advice in the group. This, along with being really sociable and trustworthy, is why Terry is a Libra through and through.
Scorpio: Rosa Diaz
Rosa is the most intense and passionate of the B99 crew, which can also be said about Scorpios. Rosa, like a classic Scorpio, is shamlessly independent and ferocious about who she cares about.
Sagittarius: Gina Linetti
Gina, in our opinion, just exudes Sagittarius. She’s hilarious, optimistic, confident and not afraid to change up her life when it doesn’t suit her. Sometimes she (and her sarcasm) can be a little sharp, but she means the best and most wholesome with everything she does, just like a Sagittarius.
Capricorn: Captain Holt
Holt is the classiest person around. His ambition and dry humour are the staples of his personality, and there’s no two descriptions that are better suited for Capricorns. Despite being emotionally distant, Holt (like Capricorns) are extremely loyal to the few people that they love, and is devoted to everything that he does.
Aquarius: Kevin Cozner
Kevin’s honest comments and independent personality set him apart from all of the characters in B99, and his creative and hard planning are accented through his job as a Professor in the Classics Department.
Pisces: Norman Scully
Being the most spacey of all the characters in B99, Scully is a Pisces through and through. He’s erratic, creative (at times) and extremely loyal to his friends, especially Hitchcock.