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Western New England Dorms Rated Best To Worst

Western New England Dorms Rated Best To Worst

At Western New England, there are so many types of living to choose from before your first year here and after! With housing deadlines always coming up so quick, it’s hard to know where you’ll want to live without either seeing them or having some knowledge about them! It’s a great way to know what you might be getting yourself into. 

1. Evergreen 

Built right across from the soccer and football fields, Evergreen sits with 34 upper class townhouse apartments. With room for six people, this is the ultimate place to be house because of the location to all sporting events. If you love being able to tailgate at your own apartment to watch the games, this is the best apartment for that!

These townhouses have full functioning air conditioning and a two-minute walk to laundry, which is in the middle of the green to allow access to every Evergreen building. They are equip with large bedrooms and living spaces! Although there is shorter walk into the middle of campus, it is still long. 


2. Southwood

Having four floors of apartment style housing, this build may be set the farthest away from the middle of campus but has amenities such as cool air conditioning and a big bathroom. This building is the only one with the opportunity to have single rooms which is great for those who have way too much stuff or don’t like directly living with other people.

This apartment is walking distance to all of the Western New England athletic fields, with the ability to see the baseball field from your living room if your on a higher floor. There is a big rec space with a pool table, seating, and potential for entertainment on the first floor! An elevator was placed for convenience while doing laundry (which is in the basement) or carrying grocery’s. 


3. Gateway 

This complex, built across from campus, is the perfect low cost upper class options for those looking for apartments which have been upgraded to now have air conditioning! Apartments range in sizes to house two to six people. Because this complex is older than the others on this list and you’ll have to go outside (or drive depending on where you live) to do your laundry year around, this apartment is number three on the list. This is the biggest complex on Western New England’s campus, which might make walking to class a longer depending on where you live. 

Although this complex is across the street from main campus, it is actually a shorted walk into the middle of Western New England’s campus than Southwood or Everygreen. With the option to not have a meal plan, there are grills planted throughout Gateway. And since this is a complex, there is a basketball court for use for all residence and a gate which you’ll have to scan in and out of.


4. Commonwealth

This dorm has a mixture of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Commonwealth is a typical dorm, which is why it’s number four on the list. It has 10 individual bathrooms instead of communal which the rest of the dorms remaining on this list do. Not only do they have nice bathrooms, this dorm has a kitchen on either wings equipped with a stove microwave, sink and some dishes. This dorm is also co-ed and has study rooms on every wing and every floor.

The lawn in front of Commonwealth is used for events and is the hub for almost anything. Although you will need the full meal plan when living in this dorm, just like the Quad and Windham. You do get more than the other dorm buildings.


5. The Quad 

At Western New England, the Quad is made up of three dorms: Berkshire, Franklin, and Hampden. These dorms, separate by gender on every other floor, has communal bathrooms with showers, toilets, and sinks. All of these dorms have first floor laundry and a rec area in the second floor. These three dorms are in close proximity to the freshmen parking lot and the gym.  

The Quad is in short distance from the library and science building just across from the lower parking lot and has great tree scenery which can remind you of home, especially when winter comes. 

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Are you heading back to campus this fall 2018? Check out our tips and tricks for decorating your dorm room on a budget to have the best space!

6. Windham

Placed right in front of LaRiviere and to the left of Commonwealth, this freshmen building has two wings and separated gender by floor. The best thing about this building is the proximity to classrooms in LaRiv and the parking lot provided for freshmen. With the same bathroom scenario, this dorm has a sitting on the ground floor and a “rec room” which is just a pool table outside of the laundry room in the basement.


The best part about this dorm is picking the rooms that over look the Commonwealth lawn. You’ll see the leaves change in the fall and the snow come down in the winter. It’s a sight to see during that time of the year!

7. LaRiviere Center

This Apartment style living is a mixture of dorm rooms and classrooms. This building is separated into wings with classrooms in the middle and is only occupied by sophomore who applied with a group of people. Those who get in must contribute to the community with a learning theme which is used to teach others in the building and contributes to the buildings website. 


This building is the worst on the list only because a handful of applicants get into this dorm and have to, on top of other extra-curricular activities, do events surrounding their theme. This is great for students who want to do more and be apart of a group project.

Although these dorms are in a list of best to worst. At the end of the day, it all about where you see yourself living for the year. The best part about picking dorms, is that if you don’t like the dorm your in; you have three more years to find the one you like. Having a lot of friends will make it easier if you want to get into Evergreen because it’s a six person apartment! It’ll feel great to get into a Western New England dorm you like! 

Comment your favorite or worst dorms you’ve ever lived in! 

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