Going to a small high school comes with some perks and disadvantages. From everyone knowing everything about each other to having teachers that are practically family (some actually were), these are the 20 signs you went to Narragansett High School!
With such a small school, a lot of teachers are required to teach several classes. You had many of the same teachers freshman and senior year.
Yup, you weren’t done with your teachers at 1:52. Most days you would be with them until 3pm.
Hey, it’s a small school, but our teams were always very competitive.
Many of the teachers either live in the same town and they know your family that way or they know your extended family from years ago. Rhode Island really is a small state.
When senior year rolled around and it was time to ask for letters of recommendation for college, you knew there were several options.
The school was so small and the classes were all so close together that you knew there was plenty of time to go to the bathroom, stop at your locker, or grab a snack before the next period.
You didn’t have to worry about climbing stairs, so if you felt daring enough to wear those wedges, go right ahead!
You did not have assigned parking in the student lot, but for the most part, everyone parked in the same spot every day. If an outsider came in to observe, they would think parking was assigned.
Fo’ real, the athletic fields have got to take up more space than the actual school! When you wanted to meet someone on the baseball field, you had to clarify, “practice or game”.
Being able to walk to the other schools was super convenient when you had to run over there for a reason. Small town perks!
Even though they could be, they never were. If it was presentation day, typically everyone could present in one day.
No joke, senior year my Spanish class had only seven students. There was no hiding there!
On super nice days, if you asked politely, some teachers would agree to move class discussions outside. Just remember the sunscreen!
Cue the awkwardness when one friend did not do their homework and the other friend has to tell the teacher.
Throwback to elementary school when we all traveled in one group cause that’s basically still what happens.
You’ve been with many of them since elementary school, some even Kindergarten or pre-school, so you know all of your classmates really well.
Everyone who tried out made the team, so why not try something new?!
“Ummm yeah he’s cute, but I don’t know if I would say yes if he asked me to dance, cause remember that one time in third grade he picked his nose?”
I can’t stress this one enough. Gossip gets around and you learn a lot more about some people then you ever thought you would or wanted to. But, it makes you a better and more compassionate individual.
You shared a lot of good times with those people you spent years in and out of a classroom with. The memories you created will last you forever!
Featured Image: weheartit
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