10 Signs You Went To College In Los Angeles

Of course, all of us college kids have plenty in common. However these 10 signs below are a sure way to tell that you definitely went to college in Los Angeles!
1) You use the word “like” in every sentence.
You know it’s such a terrible habit, yet at this point, the use of the word “like” has been so ingrained into your daily vocabulary, that there is no way you can like even help it.
2) You wear Rainbow sandals.
Rainbow sandals are your ultimate favorite shoes. You throw them on to head to class, to the market, to ride your bike, etc. They are comfortable, they match with every outfit you own, and you can wear them almost every day of the year.
3) You’ve downloaded the Waze app.
From offering you the fastest route options to get from Santa Monica to Downtown, to indicating reports on nearby car accidents, and even warning you ahead of time about possible police traps – this app is a godsend when it comes to driving in L.A.
4) You have a drink from Starbucks in your hand at all times.
Whether it’s a Skinny Vanilla Latte, an Iced Passion Tea Lemonade, or now the new Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte, you always have a Starbucks drink in hand. You probably have the app on your phone, and you always know exactly where the nearest store is located, wherever you are.
5) You know the “best” place to get tacos.
You and your friends spend over 20 minutes debating the pros and cons of each person’s favorite taco spot: which place is the cheapest? Which one has vegan options? Which one is the closest? And ultimately you’ll probably end up at some random taco truck and then proceed to add it to your list of favorites.
6) You drink water out of a Hydroflask or S’well Bottle.
Eco-friendly college student that you are, you know you went to college in L.A. when you carry one of these fancy looking water bottles around with you everywhere you go.
7) You have awkward tan lines.
We all have them. Whether it’s a shirt tan, a sock tan, a shorts tan, or maybe even a flip flop tan (guilty), you’ve definitely got some funky tan lines somewhere on your body. At least you can find comfort knowing that you aren’t the only one with the clothes still outlined on their body when you take a shower.
8) You wear Lululemon pants (and might even carry the lunch box.)
You wake up, throw on your $90 workout pants, and revel knowing that you will feel just as comfortable as if you had worn your pajamas all day long. Who cares if you aren’t even going to work out in them?
9) You save every penny to go to Coachella.
Finally! All those late night shifts finally helped you buy your ticket to the popular music festival. It will be hot as hell, you still need to figure out where you are going to sleep, and you’ve got to decide who will be the lucky person of your group that has to drive to the middle of the desert – but you know it will all be worth it when you see your favorite bands perform live.
10) You know how to take a damn good Instagram picture.
Following in the steps of our beloved Kardashians, you know exactly how to take a stunning Instagram picture that will get you the most likes. Shout out to L.A. for having so many awesome places to take pictures of!