Every day, during the school year, I find myself on the edge of a panic attack when I think about all of the things I need to get done. This moment usually hits after I’ve finished scrolling Tumblr or watching Netflix—time spent watching Parks and Rec is not time wasted. As a college student, it’s easy to spend hours scrolling the depths of the Internet while avoiding homework and studying. Here are a few websites specifically for college students and tools to make managing your workload easier.
Let’s face it – when you are a busy college student with only a dorm mini fridge and microwave at your disposal, cooking balanced meals is not a priority. It’s easy to keep skipping meals and snack on junk food all the time. Ordering food and getting it delivered to your dorm is often the best option, especially if you don’t have a car on campus! Sign up for Grubhub and explore all the takeout options in your area! You can even save all your favorite places and your preferred orders, so it’s super quick and convenient to re-order what you like best. Sign up for Grubhub today and save $10 on your first order with the promo code GHSC19.
Stubhub is the number one website to buy and sell tickets to events around campus. If you want to plan a fun night out with your friends, check out everything that’s going on around you and take your pick! Whether you’re looking for a music festival or a sports event, it’s the best place to grab tickets.
StudentRate is the ultimate for discounts. Rather than checking if individual vendors offer student discounts, StudentRate compiles a list of student deals and discounts for you.
Don’t get stuck with awful professors. Check to see what other people have to say about your professor before you choose their classes.
Prezi is a free online presentation software that makes your presentation look super professional—much better than the presentation themes on Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.
Find out how much you’re really spending on your coffees. Mint tracks your transactions and gives you the breakdown of how you’re spending your money.
Full disclosure, I’m obsessed. The Betches give their ruthless opinions on bros, other betches, and dumb social media trends.
Get your books on Audible so you can listen to them while you’re at the gym or out walking across campus.
Huffpost College provides news on all things college, ranging from Greek life to student debt.
I can’t write an academic essay without Thesaurus. Thesaurus will help you mix up your wording and will also help you write smarter.
College Humor offers a ton of hilarious content to check out. It’s the perfect site to check out during a break from homework.
Next time you’re writing a research paper check out Google Scholar. It’s the literal Google of scholarly articles.
A true God send. Type in your source’s information and EasyBib will create the citation for you. EasyBib can format source types that I didn’t even know were an option for research.
This motivational writing source presents you with a picture of a kitten every time you type out 100 words for that research paper you’re working on.
By dudes for dudes, Barstool is all about sports, chicks, and making fun of the dumb shit other people do.
InternMatch is a free service that allows you to create a profile and apply for internships or entry level jobs.
The self-proclaimed “Voice of Generation Y” produces articles on current events, humor, inspiration, and advice for 20-somethings.
When its crunch time before your final exam or you just need to get your homework done, Keep Me Out will prevent you from visiting your most frequented sites for however long you determine.
Evernote allows you to organize any information you need neatly and is accessible across your devices.
Your source of pop culture news though the eyes of a college male.
Create flashcards online and share them with friends via Quizlet. Studying becomes much more mobile with the app and you can track all of your studying progress.
Why type out an essay like a madman when you can just speak it? Dragon will register what you say and dictate it into text.
Let us know what your can’t-live-without websites are! Leave a comment below or tweet us @SOCIETY19.
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