5 Reason’s We Are So Excited For Becca’s Bachelorette Season

We are in our 14th season of America’s favorite guilty pleasure, The Bachelorette. The only thing I love more than watching 20 catty girls compete for one guy’s eternal love and devotion (lol) is watching 20 shirtless guys. After watching Becca get her heart mutilated by a flaming pile of walking garbage Arie (aka Not Peter). We were appalled enough by his reputation before the show, then by his lack of personality throughout the season, but the little stunt he pulled telling Becca he wasn’t in love with her really was like the 12th final straw. Rachel Lindsay is a hard act to follow, but it is Becca’s time to shine. Here are five reasons we’re excited about the next Bachelorette!
1. We finally get to learn more about her.
I don’t know about you, but I definitely wanted to see more of Becca’s personality throughout the Bachelor season. I felt like for a while there she got lost in the shuffle. Yes, she got the first “princess” creepy date where Arie watched her try on a million dresses but that’s kind of all I remember. Aside from that, I don’t really know much about her other than she has a crazy ex and she’s from Minnesota. We really just can’t wait for the next bachelorette because Becca K, you slay.
2. She handles herself gracefully.
Becca was dumped on national television and she did not lose it. She was mature and level-headed about a really malicious situation. Let’s be honest, she handled a public breakup better than I handle private ones so props to her.
3. She’s “ready to do the damn thing.”
Tbh I’m already tired of hearing this catchphrase, however, at least we know she isn’t messing around. Statistically speaking, more Bachelorette couples have stayed together than Bachelor couples (shocking, I know). So maybe it won’t be “the most dramatic season,” but if drama means watching Arie creepily follow Becca around a hotel room like a puppy dog after she repetitively told him to leave then I think I’ll live without the forced sociological experiment by ABC.
4. She is super relatable.
Watching Becca go through the break up made all of America root for her happiness. We have all had our hearts broken at one point or another so we instantly feel for her. Anyone who has gone through what she went through deserves happiness. It is bad enough that Arie broke off his engagement to Becca because he was in love with someone else, but now everyone else has access to witness it. Becca is kind, sweet, and fun-loving and she deserves to find a real man.
5. Show Arie what a mistake he made.
What better revenge to get on an ex than to date a bunch of guys who want you and he has to watch? None. I’m just glad that we get to see Becca’s true personality and watch her fall in love with someone who also has a personality.
We’re rooting for you, Becca K!
Let us know why you’re excited about the next bachelorette in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Young "professional," Providence College grad, above average procrastinator, reality tv enthusiast, high profile contributing member of society.