15 Ways You Realize You’re Becoming A Real Adult

Going from adulting to becoming a real adult can hit you like a ton of bricks. One minute you’re going out every night of the week and the next you’re excited about buying a new vacuum. Sometimes, it’s a fluid transition and sometimes it happens in stages. These are just some of the ways you might realize you are becoming a real adult.
1. Purchasing An Air Fryer
No doubt about it, once you get an air fryer, there’s no turning back. By purchasing this item, you’ve stopped “adulting” and are a real adult now. You realize you would rather have healthy food rather than stopping for fast food or frozen dinners. Side note, you unintentionally committed to getting healthier too!
2. Buying A New Vacuum
Look at you go! You bought a new vacuum and you’re loving every minute of it. This might not seem like an all important moment, but it is. It’s signifies that you are out growing your immature messiness and starting to care about your homes appearance. You used to hate having chores as a kid, but as an adult it’s not all that bad.
3. Pay All Your Own Bills
Surprise! Things are really expensive in real life. While there’s nothing wrong with having your parents pay for stuff, there’s a certain independence that comes with paying your own way. When you also pay for your own stuff, you tend to realize how important is to watch your finances. It might make you think twice before you impulse buy something next time you go shopping.
4. Shopping For Insurance
There’s nothing quite like shopping for medical and auto insurance. So, if you are still on your parent’s insurance, count yourself lucky (we learned the hard way). It’s a big step to have coverage just for yourself, earning you your real adult status. Hopefully, you’ll have medical coverage through work, but if not then you have to shop around for what works best for you. Don’t get overwhelmed, it all works out in the end!
5. Agreeing With Parents In Movies
We love Disney movies, but when you start agreeing with parents, it’s a sure sign you’re getting older. Don’t panic, there’s nothing wrong with that! However, suddenly you understand why parents won’t let their teenage daughter marry the first man they ever meet. Never thought you would agree with parents, fictional or not, did you? It’s quite an eye opening experience.
6. When You Realize How Much Area Rugs Are
Everyone thinks they’ll decorate their first space like you see on HGTV. We’re sorry to tell you, but that’s not reality, no matter how much we love Chip and Joanna. Even simple items like area rugs, are super expensive. Who would have thought? Start off slow and purchase investment pieces, ones you know that will last a long time. Hopefully, your taste won’t change much as you continue to grow as an individual.
7. You Call To Make Your Own Appointments
Eventually, you’re going to have to do it, everyone does. So pick up the phone, call the doctor and make the appointment! As easy as it would be to have your mom continually make your appointments, it’s time for you to start. You know your schedule better than anyone and it’s time to get comfortable talking on the phone. The more you do it, the easier it gets!
8. You Can Cook At Least 5 Meals
We hate to tell you this, but mac and cheese doesn’t count as cooking. The good thing is, you kind of came to this conclusion on your own. You’ve mastered how to keep yourself from starving and have moved on to real dinners. If you can successfully cook about five meals, you’re considered a real adult. You’re not ready to open a restaurant, but you can host dinner if friends or family stop over for a meal.
9. You’re In Bed By 11 pm
Remember when you could stay out all night and still not be tired? Yeah, we miss those days. Now, that you’re older, you appreciate your sleep (who doesn’t really). You wouldn’t dare start a movie after eight on a weekday. Late night texts get answered in the morning. You’re in bed at a reasonable hour and you love it! Plus, dark circles aren’t a good look on anyone.
10. A Nighttime Routine
If you go through a mental checklist at night while getting ready, you’re in good company. Real adults do this! It’s because you are making sure everything is done before you get in bed. It’s so hard to get back out of bed to do something after you’re all tucked in. Make sure everything is put away, your skin care routine is done and your alarm is set for the morning. When it’s all done, it’s light out.
11. Budgets Are Your Friends
As much fun as it is to go on a shopping spree, you’ve learned that’s not the best thing for your finances. It’s all fun and games, until the purchases post on your credit card and now you can’t grocery shop this week. As a real adult, you’ve learned that budgeting is key! You set aside a certain amount of money for all your activities and maybe even save some as well!
12. Extra Money Gets Spent Wisely
If you budget correctly, you might have extra money at the end of the week or month! Instead of spending that extra money on something you don’t really need, you spend it wisely. It might go towards paying off a bill or getting something fixed around your place. It’s about investing into a long term project instead of blowing it on a night out. It’s the decision to use it wisely that really proves you’re maturing.
13. Feeling Like A Grandma When You Roll Out Of Bed
You used to be able to sleep anywhere. A couch, futon or even the floor was comfortable. Well, now if you don’t sleep in a bed with exactly the right amount of pillows, you’re in trouble the next morning. As you awaken, you feel like you’re body has been replaced by grandma’s! Aches, pains and grouchiness are all a part of it. Until you stretch and get some coffee, you are a sight for sore eyes.
14. Drinking “Real” Wine
Back in your younger days, you would drink whatever you could afford. Most likely what you could afford wasn’t the best tasting wine. Now, you’ve upgraded to better tasting and more costly drinks. This means no more wine out of a box or bag (RIP slap the bag). You now drink wine out of bottles and pour it into real wine glasses. While we might disagree on how much wine you actually pour into a glass, we’re just glad to be drinking out of one.
15. FOMO Doesn’t Bother You Anymore
Fear of missing out. This used to be one of the worst things when you were younger. If you were stuck at work or working on a school project, you would get anxious about how much fun your friends are having without you. Now as a real adult, you don’t care anymore. Yes, you might wish you were with them at times, but most likely you’re just as comfortable at home. This is something that doesn’t happen overnight, but appears gradually as time goes on.
How did you realize you were a real adult? Which one of these ways speaks to you the most Comment and share with us below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/549157748316124837/
Hi my name is Kristen and I am 26 years old. I went to Central Michigan University (Fire Up Chips!). I majored in Integrative Public Relations with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. After graduation, I worked for Macy's in a variety of positions. I love shopping until I drop and consider it my cardio! I've been lucky enough to travel quite a bit and hope to do more so in the future. I am an energetic, sassy and fun loving person who loves her family (dog), friends and donuts!