Relationships come with the good and the bad and it’s important to recognize what may be causing the “bad”. Sometimes, it can be the littlest things that are causing arguments between you and your bf/gf. Here are 12 ways you are lowkey ruining your relationship.
When you’re in a relationship, it’s easier to lose sight of the fact that you are two separate people. You CANNOT rely on your partner to be the source of your happiness and vice versa. Both of you need to do things that make you happy outside of your relationship before you can be happy inside of it.
Just because one thing pisses you off doesn’t mean the other 100 things your partner has done for you can go unnoticed. Stop focusing on the little things that make you upset and see the bigger picture.
So your boyfriend isn’t Ryan Gosling, he’s 23 and doesn’t drive a lambo, and he doesn’t have every minute of the day to spend with you or text you. Stop putting these unrealistic expectations on each other.
We live in a time when everyone lives for social media and the reality is that what you see is usually never what you get. Just because a couple looks happy as can be doesn’t mean that’s the truth. Just focus on your relationship and loving each other!
So you wake up, go to work, come home and sit in front of the couch watching that one Netflix show, maybe have sex, and go to bed. That same routine will make anyone miserable. Set up date nights, look for new activities, and allow yourselves to have some free time every now and then!
Whether it’s sex or just your relationship in general, communication is absolutely key. If you’re in a new relationship, you may be hesitant to communicate because you don’t want to scare your partner away, but they aren’t mind readers. You need to be open about things that bother you, things you like, and so on.
Even if you aren’t super into your partner’s interests and passions, you should still make an effort to let them talk about it. We all like to share the things we love with the people with love.
While you need to have time out with your friends and do things on your own, it’s important that you are making an effort to have time specifically just for you two. That’s the whole point of a relationship.
Don’t rush anything when it comes to your relationship. It’s better to take things slow and really get to know each other than dive in and have it end in a terrible break up.
What happens between you should stay between you. Sometimes, we may need advice and that’s fine, but anytime your partner makes you upset you shouldn’t run and tell the world. This will make everyone around you dislike your boyfriend and it makes you look stupid for staying with someone when you make everything seem bad.
No one likes to feel like they’re being interrogated, especially when you aren’t doing anything wrong and it’ll get old fast. There is no relationship without trust, so start trusting!
We all have bad days and sometimes it’s easier to take it out on the people closest to us. But, this can cause a lot of tension between you and your partner. If you know you’re in a terrible mood, go do something to relax and unwind before you take it out on the wrong person.
Featured Image: weheartit
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