10 Ways To Virtually Hangout With Friends In Quarantine

The virtual hangout has become the new norm in 2020, and will most likely continue into 2021 until the pandemic is under control. By now you might be tired of your usual ideas for virtual hangouts, and need some fresh inspiration. These are my top ten favorites, and some that I will definitely be trying soon.
1. Video Call over Coffee or Wine.
This is probably the most basic form of virtually hanging out but it’s what I would be doing normally with my friends anyways. Very early on in the spring when quarantine just began, I really enjoyed having a glass of wine and Facetiming a friend each night. It’s so nice to be able to talk things out, especially in this crazy reality we’re all living in. So next time you schedule a call with a friend, make it a little more special and add a coffee or a glass of wine to the mix.
2. Have a Netflix Watch Party.
Who would have thought that 2020 would be the year we could watch Netflix together without actually being together. Watch Party is a Chrome extension that allows you and your friends to watch the same thing, at the same time. This only makes me think of people who sit next to each other on planes and try to watch the same movie at the same time. I swear it never works out even if you press play at the same time, because some of the screens are so old! This is a much better solution, and you can be cozy in your own home but still together at heart.
3. Host Trivia Night over Zoom.
Just don’t let your smart older cousin be the one coming up with all the trivia questions! So many people love going to trivia at breweries and bars in normal time, so this is a great compromise and allows for a bigger group to gather virtually! The fun part about trivia, too, is that when you’re the one organizing you can choose the categories. We had a trivia night with my extending family and I was absolutely stumped. But it was so fun because it felt like we were all together, even if I could only see them through my screens.
4. Virtually Cook Dinner Together.
Need a virtual first date idea? Have a friend you always like to cook and bake with? Just do it virtually! One of my cousins actually started dating her boyfriend over zoom (because, pandemic) and they virtually cooked together one night for one of their dates. I think this is a nice idea because you don’t have to be super focused on the conversation, or what you look like in the tiny screen, you can just get lost in the act of cooking with a friend and the casual conversation that will flow from that! Just choose the same recipe and get to it.
5. Make Kahoots about Yourself.
This is probably one of the most popular ideas for your next virtual hangout. You probably remember Kahoots from your high school Spanish class, or something like that. My last memory of Kahoots is from trying to homeschool the kids I was nannying in the spring, and the first grader punching me in the face because he got an answer wrong. So I think I need to try this with friends so I have a better memory of Kahoots! The point here is that everyone can make a quiz about themselves, and you can see who knows each other best. It’s always fun to make a quiz about yourself and share things with friends.
6. Play Jackbox Games.
Surprisingly I had actually heard about Jackbox before quarantine even began, years ago we played it. But it has, not surprisingly, become very popular in this year of virtual games. Basically you can choose what game you’d like to play, and everyone connects through their phone or tablet to join in and submit their answers. It’s super fun and a great way to have a virtual hangout, without the stress or concentration of an actual board game.
7. Have a Themed Zoom.
If you’re getting together with friends over Zoom and just want to chat, why not make it a little more fun by having a theme to it. You could have everyone get dressed up (when was the last time you did that?) or come as a character. Easier ideas might be to wear a hat, or a certain color. Either way it’s fun to have a purpose for getting dressed, in this year of staying home so much.
8. Ask Fun Questions.
You could use a guide, like the We’re Not Really Strangers card game, or something similar. You can also find great lists online of thoughtful questions to ask your friends or family. Me and my friends once asked each other questions from a list of relationship questions on a long car ride, and it was thought provoking. We got to know each other better and it kept us entertained for a very long time. Everyone loves the chance to answer a question about themselves (or most everyone) and the people you care about will want to know your answer.
9. Attend a Virtual Workshop Together.
I have actually been attending a lot of Zoom meetings by choice, ones that are interesting to me or on a topic I love. If I know one of my friends would be interested too, I invite them to join virtually. I love doing this because then we can be texting while we watch the presentation, and it’s like we’re there together. I’ve been enjoying workshops on art, Italy, and other cultural things. I love inviting friends because then it really feels like a virtual hangout, and I’m not just sitting alone staring at my computer screen.
10. Have an Album Listening Party.
I actually LOVE this idea for a virtual hangout, because one of the things I miss most about going out with friends is the music. Hearing other people’s favorites, learning new songs, hearing my favorites come on. This would be a great idea if a new album comes out, and you want the illusion of listening to it with other people. Like if Taylor Swift drops a third album this year, I’ll host one of these.
What’s your favorite way to have a virtual hangout? Let me know in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/330803535132496085/
Maggie is the blogger behind The Artful Everyday, a travel and lifestyle blog dedicated to living intentionally and finding beauty in the ordinary. She loves the idea that we get to escape our normal lives when we travel, and that it allows us to be more open to the world and its cultures. Maggie lived in Florence while studying abroad, then was an au pair in Rome last fall. She is very passionate about traveling in Europe, especially Italy, and living abroad. Maggie studied Interior Design at the University of Minnesota, but is currently pursuing a career in writing.