5 Ways To Treat Yourself You Have To Try Now

Treating yourself is super important! Having some “me time” is important for connecting to yourself and for paying attention to your needs. Take some time out of your week to spend some time with yourself and give yourself a treat!
1. Pamper Yourself
Take a spa self-care day! Pick up a nice face mask (I highly recommend a French green clay mask), some snacks, and get to your spa day! A spa day can consist of whatever you want, so you can customize it all you want. If you’re in the mood for some general relaxation, draw yourself a bath and put on a face mask. Use a bath bomb to ge that extra relaxation in. For something more involved, try doing your nails! Soak your hands and feet in a nice dead sea salts soak and trim, file, and paint those nails! You’ll feel like you did something productive while also giving yourself a nice treat!
2. Take Yourself Out To Coffee
Is there a coffee shop you’ve always wanted to try out but you’ve never had anyone to go with? Go by yourself! Going to a coffee shop alone is great for some introspective time with yourself. Bring a journal along with you if you like to journal, or maybe grab a good book. Going to a coffee place alone is a great date with yourself to help you think through anything that’s bothering you or even just to spend some nice relaxing time focussing on nothing in particular.
3. Go Somewhere You’ve Always Wanted To Go
If there’s a store or a nearby town you’ve always wanted to visit but you have nobody to go with, go by yourself! Again, visiting someplace you’ve never gone to before can be great for intorspective time! So go to that store and figure out if you like it! Go to that nearby town and give yourself a tour! Discover the best places to go to and find the most exciting things to do, you never know, you might find something you’d like to do with a friend or a date. Show yourself just how fun you really can be and go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go!
4. Buy Yourself Something Nice
If you can afford it, treat yourself to something you really like! Go to a clothing store and buy that dress you’ve been thinking about forever. Buy yourself a nice ring you’ve always wanted. While the thrill you get from retail therapy is short-lived, it still feels pretty good to remind yourself that you’re worth the money and the time it takes to get a gift. To minimize the “retail therapy” feel of it, make sure you get something that you really do want and that you know you’ll use. So go out and pick up that thing you’ve always wanted! Remind yourself that you deserve it!
5. Do A DIY Project
Doing a DIY project can feel incredibly rewarding. Start by deciding what you could make that you need, want, or would find useful. Next, figure out a way to make it that’s cost-effective and reasonable. If you’re looking to make a bookshelf but you have no woodworking tools, you might want to think about if it’s worth it to spend the money to make it. You don’t have to do a big project, though. Try making something small like a face cream or a blush in a shade that you really like! If you like to cook or bake, try out a new recipe! The possibilities are endless! There are plenty of ideas about how to make things online, try looking on Pinterest! A DIY project is often super fun and can make you feel like you did something productive.