Too often in life, we are surrounded by people who are the definition of fake. They are fake in showing love, support, kindness and so forth. And even in knowing this we still, for whatever the reason, associate ourselves with thus said people. The tide is changing though because now, in this current generation, people are acknowledging and demanded to only be associated with people who keep it real a.k.a. real ones. A real one can be any person in your life who is always themselves and keeps it 100 at all times with you.
Now, anyone can claim to be a real one, which a lot of people do, and yet be undercover, fake and trifling as all hell. So, here are 5 ways to tell you are dealing with a real one ….
Cues Kendrick’s “Loyalty” … Loyalty is a biggie in any type of relationship! You should never have to question someone’s loyalty to you if they are indeed truly down for you and love you. With a real one, his or her loyalty is automatic and always incrediblly evident in the way they act.
People love to lie, especially about stupid shit. When you are dealing with a real one, he/she will never feel the need to lie for a damn thing unless, they are lying to protect you. A real one knows that honesty, even brutal honesty, is without question the best policy.
Real ones are known for speaking their minds. Having no filter and saying exactly what is on their mind, is something a real one cherishes. They do not mince their words at all and if you need clarification on something they said, they will most certainly not hesitate to provide that to you. They say what they want and mean what they say.
Anybody can say they support you, love you and will be there for you when you need them. A lot of times though, the people who say these things, usually end up not following through with any of it. This is not the case with a real one. A real one will always show through actions, not words, that he/she loves you, supports you and has your back whenever you need them to.
Let’s be real, people love telling other people’s business but, a real one does not. They will, without question, guard and protect whatever you tell them not to be repeated. Even if you don’t tell them to keep whatever you divulged a secret, they know how to keep things to themselves. Also, if you and a real one have a fallen out and aren’t cool anymore, they are not going to go run and blast your business to everybody.
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