10 Ways To Tell Someone ‘I Love You’ Without Saying It

Let’s be honest, love is beautiful! Saying “I love you” is powerful, and you are encouraged to say these words often reminding your people how much you love them. However, there are also other ways to tell someone ‘I love you’. Ever heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words”? The “I love you” ‘s should always be accompanied with actions done in love. Here are a few ways where actions scream ‘I love you’ just as loud.
1)Listen, Take Note, Act
Listening is BIG, and that’s why it’s the first way to say “I love you”. Is there something you remember your person mentioning they want to do? Is there a place that is meaningful to your person that they wish they could go to? Have you noticed that your person has been dying to do a certain activity? One way to say “I love you” without even saying it is by listening and responding to something your person wants to do. Has your person always wanted to go skydiving? Take them! Has your person been missing the place that they grew up? Visit that place with them. It may not be your first choice of activity, and it may get you out of your comfort zone. Listen. Listen. Listen. Then, act!
2) Write A Note
Write! Holding a letter from someone you love is one of the best feelings in the world. You really don’t have to be a talented writer at all to do this one. It’s the act that counts. You don’t have to write “I love you” in the letter. In fact, try your best to write other words that show your love. What do you like about your person? Tell them a story. Write a funny poem. Just be sure that your letters are not just all about you. If your person lives far away, send them your love in the mail! If your person lives down the street, you can slip a letter in their mailbox. Even if you live with your person, leave them a letter on their bed or write them a sticky note and leave it on the mirror. Holding a letter of kind words from a person you love is SO meaningful.
3) Create!
You do not have to be an professional artist to create something wonderful. Use the talents that you’ve got to create something for your person! Are you great at following instructions? Try cooking a meal for your person. Are you well connected? Create an event for friends to gather. Are you up to date on the latest music trends? Create a Spotify playlist for your person. The act of creation shows that you thoughtfully used your own gifts to create something meaningful.
4) Complement
Spend some time reflecting on why you love your person. What makes them so lovable? Why are they so amazing? Give them some complements through out the day. “I love how passionate you are”, “You have a beautiful soul”, “You are courageous and dope AF”. This shows that you take notice and reflect on why you appreciate your person. The key to doing this well is to not expect anything in return. Do not complement just to receive complements back. Instead, complement out of love!
5) Act Of Service
People have a variety of love languages ,and one of the languages of love is serving. So, do something special for your person that will help them out. Go on an errand for them. Clean the house for them. Ask to see their to-do list and offer to help with it! Give your person rest and take notice in all the work that they have been doing.
6) Intentional Time
Give your person time that is intended only for them! This means turning off the phone and computer and set aside quality time just to be with your person. This let’s them know that you love them and that you don’t need to be anywhere else but with them. Intentional time truly says “I love you” because time is such a fabulous gift to give to a person. Go on a walk, an adventure, watch a movie, eat together, and just be with each other. This is one of the easiest ways to say “I love you” and it’s also one of the most meaningful.
7) Surprises
Everyone loves to know that someone has thought of them. One way to say “I love you” is by surprising your person with something lovely! There are countless ways to surprise your person. It can be grand or little, but anything is meaningful. You can surprise your person through gift-giving, traveling, words of affirmation, and adventures. Go out of your way to make sure that your person knows that you are thinking of them and want to keep them on their toes!
8) Let Them Breathe
This one may seem a little odd, but it is 100% an important way to show your person that you love them. Give your person time for themselves and encourage their own self-care. This can be for mental health and physical health! Let your person breathe from there stresses of their life. Give your person room to have a mental health day. Treat your person to a spa day or a massage. Take them on a vacation from the stress of life and sit with them in solitude for a day. Read together. Rest together. Watch a show together. This shows that you love your person because you also care about their well-being.
9) Know Their World
Take the time to understand your person’s world. When they talk about work or school, pay attention to the names of their co-workers and friends. Ask questions and be curious to learn about their family and where they came from. This screams “I love you” because it shows that you love them enough to know fully who they are… not just who they are around you. Step out from your bubble and get to know theirs! This will mean so much.
10) Consider
Always consider your person’s point-of-view. When you are planning to do something with your person, consider how they will respond to it. Is this the best way to show that I love my person? What makes my person shine the brightest? How can I be the best that I can for my person? What would my person want to see me do? Consider the needs and desires to fully share your love. Each person on this earth receives “I love you”‘s in different ways.
These are just a few examples of how you can tell someone “I love you” through acts of love. What are other ways you tell your people “I love you”? Please share in the comments!
Featured image source: https://www.blog.spell.co/blog/inspiration/lulus-diy-plastic-free-picnic/
Julia grew up in a town just outside of Chicago. She currently lives in Memphis, Tennessee where she is a junior Creative Writing and Literature major at Rhodes College. Julia prefers to spend her days outside writing stories for others to find joy in. Other than story-telling, you will find Julia running on her college track and field team and traveling the world.