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10 Ways To Take Rejection Like A Champ

10 Ways To Take Rejection Like A Champ

Rejection is always going to be a part of your life. No matter what you do, or who you become it is bound to come your way eventually. The greatest people we look up to in life have all dealt with their own fair share of rejection as well to get to where they are today. Here are 10 ways to take rejection like a champ.

1. Chill

As said just before, rejection happens to the best of us. It’s a way of life, and without it, we would never learn the lessons that come down our paths. It’s all about taking a deep breath and realizing it happens to everyone. Of course, rejection sucks when it does happen but if you can take it with a grain of salt, learn from it, and move past it, you can then focus on what the future has to come.


2. It’s okay to feel

Growing up, we are taught that hiding your feelings is best when in reality that is the worst thing to do. Rejection hurts no matter who you are, but if you can take a split period of time to feel what you feel, then you can move past it in a more efficient way. When you get rejected the first handful of times, it will not feel great at all but the more it happens the easier it will be to let go of it. Go ahead and feel sad, but bounce back better than before. It will show great strength in who you are. 

3. Support system

Know the people who support you 100%. They will be your guide whenever rejection comes your way. They are the people that you can fully express yourself with about the situation you were going through without any judgment. They will listen, give advice if you would like it, and are simply just there for you. Without them, getting over rejection may appear harder but if you are able to view an outside perspective it may help with your sense of direction and getting you to refocus on your goals.


4. Self-care

When rejection hits us right in the face a feeling that may occur after is stress. You can feel as if you are not good enough so putting excess stress to become better is what many of us tend to do. Instead of internalizing that stress, it could be best to focus on your self-care. Taking the time to exercise, watch a movie, take a bath, paint, etc. Anything that uplifts your mood will help you see rejection as a smaller piece of life. This will re-energize you in the long run.


5. Make a list of what you love about yourself

Everyone has special talents that we possess. We have also all have had our own fair share of accomplishments that we are proud of. All of us even have traits that we love about ourselves that make us feel amazing. Whatever it may be, you need to write it down. Write it down and save it for those days where you feel not so great about yourself. Rejection will do that to you and will make yourself feel as if you are not good enough for this world, but that’s not true. Sometimes rejection is just meant to make you become a better version of yourself so that when the time comes, you can achieve what is meant for you. 

6. Don’t take it personally

When you are rejected, you really have to learn to not take it personally. Everyone knows that rejection is a part of life, and people don’t just reject others just because its fun to do (or not many)! They know that they are crushing your dreams! They do it because you aren’t the right fit for them. If they are saying you aren’t the right fit for them, then you have to come to the realization that they aren’t a great fit for you as well. Move past it, and learn from it. Who knows, the right fit may just be around the corner!


7. Learn from the experience

The worst thing you could do is to not learn from rejection. It’s great to have self-confidence in yourself and to believe that you have what it takes. Just don’t take it too far. Being able to take rejection like a champ means you are able to graciously appreciate that rejection in a civilized manner. Learn from your experience, don’t say you are better than it. Every situation is an experience to learn from. 

See Also
The importance of failure is a key lesson to learn early on in your lifetime. Failure can teach you how great it feels when you finally succeed.


8. Everything takes time

When you are in the beginning stages of rejection, you will notice that it will be harder to move on. That’s okay. Take all the time you need. If you need a few days to try to understand the situation, do it. The only advice I would give out would be to don’t get so hung up on a problem, that you can’t move past it. To get over a problem, you must move on. If you don’t move on you could stay in that mindset that you are never good enough. If you want to be good enough, you must analyze and then try again.


9. Talk to those who have gotten rejected

Life becomes a lot easier when you are able to talk to someone who has gone through a similar situation like you. It could be parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, etc. No matter who it is, learning about how others have dealt with rejection can help you overcome it too. What you will notice is that, no matter how bad the rejection is, everything always turns out for the best. Even if it doesn’t look that way.

10. Push yourself to keep trying 

Never give up on your dreams and goals. One person may say you suck at something you really love, but that’s their opinion and they can believe that if they would like. What matters is what you think about yourself. Do you love acting, but have been rejected multiple times from auditions? Keep trying. You want to be rejected because it teaches you more than if you were perfect. You create a desire to become better and that is what life is about. Pushing yourself to grow. 


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