10 Ways To Survive Living With Your Parents

Still, living with your parents huh? Same here, for a lot of us. In many ways, it can be amazing to live with your parents, but on the contrary, there are reasons why living with your parents suck. Here are 10 ways to survive to live with your parents so that you don’t go completely insane.
1. Get a plan
You probably are about to scream any minute if you don’t get out of your house pronto, but how are you supposed to do that in the first place if you don’t have a plan to do so. The first step is to get a job. You need one so you can get up and get out of your parents’ house. They aren’t going to do it for you, so you need to grow up and do it for yourself.
Think about it, how awesome would it be to earn your own money, save, and move into an apartment that’s all yours. You get to do what you want, say what you want, eat what you want! Worrying about others will be far from gone and your peace of mind will be stable. Start taking the initiative to move out from your parents and start living the life you want!
2. Be grateful for your parents
It’s hard to appreciate our parents when they are constantly down our throats. Do this, do that is what constantly floods our minds, but changing your perceptive can change the way you view your life. Think about how amazing it is that your parents are letting you stay in their house, eat their food, use their washer and dryer. They didn’t have to do any of those, but yet their door happens to be wide open for you.
You are a grown adult, and you need to start acting like one. Give gratitude to your parents for what they do. Tell them how awesome they are, and thank them for all they have done for you. This will probably bring a big smile to their face and in return will provide you with a balanced relationship between you and your parents.
3. Do the chores, like seriously do them.
We understand you are grown, but if you are still living under your parents’ roof you are still a child in their minds. Start showing your parents that you are an adult by doing some chores around the house.
Do the dishes, mow the low, sweep the floor, clean up the living room, anything. Parents respect their children in a different way if the child is able to step up to the plate, rather than just eat everything off of it.
It’s also very mature of you if you can keep up on your own self-care to-dos such as doing your own laundry, or homework. When you are able to accomplish the things that need to be done for yourself, your parents will see how responsible you are, and again this will bring mutual respect. You will be looked like more of an adult rather than a child.
4. Stay focused on you and your plans
Staying focused goes back to creating that plan in point one. Living at home should push you to want to move out of your parents. Perhaps you should think of it this way, if you were to move out you would have to do everything on your own anyway so why not start now.
Create a checklist of what you need to do every day and every week. You could even create a budget for how you would like to spend and save money. Stay on track and in no time, you will be moving out.
5. Writing to not go CRAZY
Write to cope. There will be times when you think you might go crazy if you spend one more minute with your parents. Writing can help release the feelings you didn’t know you had. Instead of getting mad out loud, get mad on paper.
Writing is an escape. You can write what you want about who you want. It gives you the ability to release hurt and pain without hurting your parents or others in the process.
6. Exercise
When things get too heated, you could also walk away. Go outside, or do a workout. Sweat out the frustration. Getting that blood pumping will help you clear your mind. It doesn’t have to be a very hard work out either. You could simply just take a 20-minute walk outside.
Another activity you could do, is to go to the park. Being next to nature does something to us. It livens our bodies and brings us peace. Spend some time just breathing in the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the world. Learning to be grateful in situations like this will help you have patience.
7. Spend time with friends
Friends are amazing. They can make you feel better in seconds. Go and hang out with your go-to besties to forget about the frustration. Having an argument with your parents sometimes means you just need to get up and get out.
Talk to your friends about what had happened. You can get an outside perspective on the situation to see if you are out of line or not. Seeing your friends will always help.
8. Spend time with parents outside the house
Hear me out. If you can’t beat the situation, you have to just join it (for the most part). Ask your parents if they would like to do something with you outside of the house. This could be going on a walk, shopping, or watching a movie. Our parents are humans too, and sometimes its about building the relationship in order to mend it.
9.Find a new hobby or go back to the existing one.
It’s hard to be in a good mood around your parents if you don’t like living your life in the first place. Try finding a hobby that gets you excited. If you love all things beauty, go online and start researching that area of interest. Learn about it from the inside out. Your passion for beauty will turn you into a happier person to be around. Although you may be still at home, for the time being, you are still able to enjoy something about life to get you through it.
10. It will be okay because this is NORMAL.
Living at home is normal and I think many of us can be way too hard on ourselves because of this in the first place. It doesn’t matter if you have to work and live at home, or you just graduated from college having to live at home. All of this is normal for a lot of us to do so. It should be nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed by. Life is hard, and getting on your two feet can be difficult at times. Be grateful that your parents are willing to be there for you and work hard at finding your path. It will come, but remember to never give up!