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Ways to Stay Active And Stay Safe During Coronavirus

Ways to Stay Active And Stay Safe During Coronavirus

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of staying fit and active is the gym. Yes it is a great resource, but probably not the safest or most sanitary option when trying to remain safe during coronavirus. That means it’s time to start thinking outside of the box! But how? Here’s a definitive guide on how to stay active and stay safe during coronavirus.

1. Pick up a new hobby. 

You know that thing that you’ve been thinking of doing for a really long time but you’re just too busy to pick it up? Now is the time! With so much newly found time spent at home there is no better way to pass that time than to find a new passion.

Maybe you don’t have something that comes to mind right away, and that’s okay. But now would be the most ideal time to test the waters. Try whatever you want and who knows? Maybe you’re amazing at it, and you just found a new skill. 


A new hobby that you can spend hours on end working on will not only keep you active, but it’ll help keep you safe. It’s just you and this new found hobby working in the comfort of your home. It’ll help free you from boredom, but also keep you inside coronavirus free. 

So go out there! Try those new yoga moves! Paint that picture! Learn that dance routine! Most importantly, have fun!


2. The internet is your BFF.

The internet is the number 1 resource for like everything ever. It’s no different here! Youtube is your best friend especially when you need ideas for at home workouts. Trust me, they have a video for just about anything you’ve ever imagined even the most specific of things.

It’s no different for working out. Anything you have in mind, and anything that you want to focus on, there is a video for an at home workout for you. Even if you want to try something different, like some intermediate yoga classes or dance classes etc. They have it, and there are videos that can show you how to make it fun!

Even if you have some equipment and you have no idea what you’re doing all you have to do is just google it and voilà! The answers and demonstrations are all at your fingertips. Even if you decide to just pick up a new hobby there are most definitely tutorials for it somewhere out there. So take advantage of it, it’s here for a reason!


3. Embrace the great outdoors!

One of the best ways to stay active and also safe during coronavirus is to get some vitamin d! Any outside activity can be socially distanced making it the ideal way to keep yourself moving.

It is also a proven fact that even taking up to 15 minutes a day outside can help improve your overall mood and mental state. Those are things that can be negatively impacted by the pandemic, so even taking the smallest amount of time to go outdoors can give you the pick me up you’ve been looking for.


This is also the best way to keep some normalcy in your life. Go practice your favorite sport, go for a bike ride, or even just a walk. Those are all activities that most people would partake in normally. These are all activities that can be done with a partner, a small group of people, or even on your own. But most importantly they can all be socially distanced!

4. Have a partner to help motivate you.

The best way to keep yourself motivated during times like this is to make sure you have someone to help keep you pushing. It can be easy to get into a rut when it feels like we’re living the same day over and over again. You need someone by your side to help snap you out of it!


Not only will having a partner help keep you motivated, but they can help keep you consistent. Someone to keep things entertaining, and someone who holds you accountable to be your best. 

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Without a doubt I would recommend a break from alcohol to almost anyone, but it is always nice to get an idea of what to expect. This is what happened when I stopped drinking alcohol for a month.

There are endless possibilities for ways to stay active with a partner during coronavirus. Take a walk, do an at home work out, practice that new hobby you picked up. Even just having someone that you trust to talk to can help keep you out of that quarantine funk.


Having someone who is considered your designated partner during the pandemic is just overall beneficial. It’s a way to know that you aren’t all alone in this. It’s also a way to keep yourself safe. Seeing the same person and knowing where they’ve been, and that they’ve been keeping safe during coronavirus can help assure that you won’t get it either. So go out and find a buddy!

5. Get creative and work with what you have!

Time to bring that old gym equipment out of the garage! You have to make the best out of the things you have and think of new and creative ways they can be resourceful. Even that old jump rope that you had since you were 10, that’s a way to stay active right there. Those old rusty weights that nobody has touched for years? Another way. 


Even if you have literally nothing you can think of, you are your own resource! There are plenty of ways to stay active without any equipment at all! Body weight exercises are some of the most resourceful and commonly practiced out there. 

You can even make a circuit throughout each room in your house. Designate each room for a different exercise and take turns in each room. All of these things can be done using the closest things around you, which is why it is one of the best ways to stay safe from coronavirus. Let your creativity fly! The possibilities are endless! 


What are some of the ways you’ve been staying safe and active during coronavirus? Let us know in the comments down below!

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