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Top 5 Ways To Starting Dressing Better Without Breaking The Bank

Top 5 Ways To Starting Dressing Better Without Breaking The Bank

When you look great on the outside you feel great on the inside! Dressing up can make you feel confident, more professional and help you get shit done. But nice clothes are expensive and you don’t have the money to get your hair and nails done every week. Also sweat pants are comfortable and you can buy three for the price of one at Walmart.

Don’t worry though, I got you! Here are the top five ways to starting dressing better without breaking the bank. Try these tips out so that you can start feeling great while sticking to your budget!

1. Get It Tailored

Don’t go out and buy another pair of jeans because you don’t think you look good in that old pair. If the scrunch up at the bottom is too tight around the thighs, but are loose around the waist, then get it tailored. This is a cost-effective way to make your clothes fit you properly without having to buy a 100 dollar pair of jeans. You’re not a jerk for having someone fix your clothes for you.


Everyone’s body is different so why does it make sense that we all wear the same kinds of clothing? Do yourself a favor and check out the prices on getting some clothing tailored. Most specifically try to tailor, pants and jackets. This is a simple way to start dressing better by using clothes you already own. 

2. Stop Wearing Black

Black is known to be a slimming color and it matches everything. But it is also so boring and makes you look like you didn’t put any effort into your appearance. Wearing bright and flamboyant colors lets the world know that you want and deserve their attention. Find your power color and stick with it.


Wearing a red pair of pants says something about how you view yourself because not everyone will try to pull off a bold color. But I know you’re bold, so go rock that look.  Not only will you be dressing better you will dressing braver. 

3. Try Something New

Have you always been a t-shirt and pair of jeans type girl? You discovered your style a long time ado, so you understand what fits your personality. But you aren’t just one thing, you don’t just like one type of food so you won’t like just one type of clothing. Go to a store you’ve never been to before, try on a daring dressing, a florescent skirt or even a tube top.


You won’t like everything you try, but at least then you’ll know that you don’t like it. Don’t knock something, until you at least try to rock it. Who knows maybe you look smoking in a tube top and you’ll only exclusively wear those now. Dressing better really just means you feel confident in your clothes.

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4. Bling It Up

We all grew up wanting to be a Disney princess, they got to wear sparkly dresses and crowns everywhere. In the real world, we don’t get to feel like royalty every day, and it can be a real buzz kill. Add some magic to your day with a sparkly ring, earrings that dangle, or even some fun bracelets. These will act as a reminder to have some fun with your life and not take everything so seriously.

5. Iron Your Clothes

It may make you feel like a 1950’s housewife, but you look so much better if you’re clothes aren’t wrinkly. So get over your fear of feeling like Betty Draper and get that iron out. Spending one hour a week ironing your clothes will make a huge difference to your weekly wardrobe.


Feel fierce without breaking the bank, use these simple steps to help you look great and feel great. How are you planning on dressing better? Comment below!

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